Anybody wanna play?

Love the sax parts boob. I'd like it a little raunchier though. Too smooth. Sounds real good though. Good tone to it. The boogie pickin was pretty good. I liked it. :)

"The rocker" was okay. Kind of bland. Not your fault though. The backing track is soft Clapton-esque dentist-rock or like Huey Lewis and the News. Lol. I wanted to hear you throw down. I know you can. Do another and blaze all over it. :D
I does not know. They were all gung-ho a few days ago.
My boogie is the one titled "here's one" up above. Like I said ...... I failed to stay very true to the genre.

Hell, I posted up two! But I've got musical ADD--I went to big southern rock show, and now I'm all distracted by shit with slides and harmonicas. Onward and upward!
I had a blast jamming along to the Slow blues in Am, I will have to give the other jam tracks a go soon.

Hey, hope you are having a great birthday SHEPPARDB!
I decided to mess with one too -dont let the first few chords scare ya :laughings::laughings:

Just curious - what don't you like about this? I haven't been playing guitar very long - but I have a feeling that this just makes people cringe or something - This is the second take so I didn't spend much time on it - but what is bad about it? Just wondering what I should work on to improve my playing... :)

@Anfanton nice track man - I dug it.
Just curious - what don't you like about this? I haven't been playing guitar very long. need more work, and that's understandable if you just started playing....but the thing I find that's the most off with your rendition is that you're not playing in the groove of the song.
All the other stuff, the tone, the licks...that can be worked out and improved, but first find the groove.
You seem to be playing all over it...instead of in it.

Makes sense...?
Just curious - what don't you like about this? I haven't been playing guitar very long - but I have a feeling that this just makes people cringe or something - This is the second take so I didn't spend much time on it - but what is bad about it? Just wondering what I should work on to improve my playing... :)

well, first off .... it doesn't make me cringe. It shows signs of being someone who's early in the learning curve but I wouldn't call it awful really.
It's just fairly basic and limited in scope.

It sounds like you're not sure what to do with the minor IV but you take the safe route and simply hold a note ..... that's actually the correct thing to do in that situation.
If you're not sure what to do .... find a note that fits and stay there!

So to recap ....... not cringe inducing ...... just normal playing, maybe a bit better than normal, for a beginner.
So have fun learning ..... you're in the most fun time of playing as far as I'm concerned. There's nothing but fun aheadt as you continue to learn new stuff and be excited by it.
I envy you a bit to tell the truth.
Just curious - what don't you like about this?

First of all, it's slow cheesey blues. I hate blues. I've avoided everyone's blues tracks. It's nothing personal to anyone that participated. It's just me. I hate mindless blues wanking.

As for yours, I listened because you're concerned about it. Frankly, I think it's pretty bad. I think the tone is all wrong, and the licks and feeling don't jive at all. A for effort, but bad execution. You're doing better than me though, I wouldn't even try it. Fuck blues.

Just keep practicing if you wanna do this kind of stuff. Learn a few patterns and positions on the neck and keep playing along. I hate to say this, but listen to some blues if you wanna play it. Blues is all about feel and tone. It's simple crap to play. You just gotta get the mood and sound right. And it helps if you're old and fat. :D
Slow blues is for the most part a lot of economical playing-a few notes can make the solo work and the pauses and sustained notes can work to your benefit, too. Keeping the notes in the minor key is something to try for as well and the A minor and the C major scale has the same notes and you can use either for this blues jam track.
Your tone is pretty distorted and has flanging or chorus and could be more stripped down to work better. I like to throw in some Steve Cropper stuff from the Booker T. & the MG's-the Memphis blues sounds good for this jam. Try to play melodic lines, after playing for a while it will come to you.
The main thing is to keep at it and play with other people as often as you can-I started out with Led Zepplin and Black Sabbath when I started in my first bands, but at the same time I would jam a lot with guys that were like 10 years older and I learned to use effects sparingly and play cleanly as possible. And I learned quite a lot from those dudes
Cool, thanks for the feedback. Blues isn't really my thing but was just wondering :) August I will have been playing guitar for one year so I'm still a noob - I like playing blues for fun screwing around, but I don't write blues songs

Maybe after I put on a few pounds
ha. did one of these for kicks tonight messing around with a guitar i just got out of the shop. a little more fun than i thought it would be. eat your heart out stevie ray.
