akai dps16


New member
I am very close to purchasing one of these multitracks, but I have been unable to find any information on akai's MESA software editor. Have any of you tried editing with your PC via MESA? Akai's website is vague but does say a SCSI connection is needed(duh) any info is appreciated
I just bought my Akai DPS-16 today.
I don't know about your software question because I'm too busy to even open the thing up and get into it right now.
The cool thing, though, is that it has a sticker on the outside of the box saying "EFX INSTALLED" and lists an auto-pitch corrector as one of them.
This unit is sweet. I've been waiting to get one for awhile. I'm basking in glory right now.

Does anybody wanna buy a Korg D8? :D
Buck62 Congrats on your new recorder. I should have mine in a week or two. I found a little information regarding the MESA software and akai's older dps12, but I still don't know about the compatibility with the dps16. The main reason I would like to know is because I am currently recording with my PC/lexicon core 2 setup, but I need something that I can record with without carrying my PC with me. I think the akai is the best standalone unit available, and I would like to be able to edit with and without my PC. If there is any information on MESA shipped with the unit please let me know. Have fun recording, too.
right on buck!

now you need to mosey over to the akai planet bbs with me so we can get that site up and running to start the flow of info!

i'm pissed about your pitch corrector though. i still haven't been able to upgrade my unit...no jazz drive yet.

but PLEASE let me know how it works...if it sounds natural...etc. i know it disables all other efx patches when you use it, but i'm wondering if i could record the track with it...then switch it off so i can use the other efx for mixing....

i imagine you'll be missing sleep for a while...

let us know how it goes
It's kind of bittersweet to have the new Akai right now.
I'm smack-dab in the middle of re-doing my studio right now, and everything is on hold until I get ALL my new equipment together.
The last piece of the puzzle is a Mindprint Envoice that's on order. It's coming from Texas and should be here by next Wednesday.
In the meantime, I haven't even taken the Akai out of the box yet... (How's THAT for discipline!!) because I want to make sure that everything is put in it's proper place and set-up correctly first.
Besides that, we just released a CD two months ago, and we have to concentrate on sales of the first effort before we start on the 2nd CD.
I don't know if you guys heard the first CD, so here's the link to our website. There's long samples of all the songs, and one of them is a full, complete song.


The entire CD was done on a Korg D8 and was our first try at recording.
Anyway, I'm going to start recording as soon possible, which could be a few weeks from now at this point. I'll let you guys know how it's coming along.

I'll let you know what's up with the pitch corrector as soon as I can get to it, bro.

Cheers! :)
thanx for the link, very good forum

do you know if all the dps16's are now being shipped with the effects? Bye the way, I am redoing my "studio" (closed in two car garage) as well. I am going to order my new recorder as soon as the rest of my studio is ready to resist the temptation. My discipline sucks! ;)

Hey u!

Did you ever get the DPS 16? I got one about two weeks ago and now im really starting to use the machine to its full potential, but im probably only half way there. Its an awesome piece of equipment and well worth the 2 grand! Im alost finished my first song on it and its really quiet and the editing features are really good! Mine came with the FX board already installed. Theres about 50 of them and there pretty good. Only i can't seem to get the pitch-corrector to work like it should. if you now have this thing please let me know how it works i'd appreciate it.

But anyway, you won't be dissappointed, trust me!

eventually . . . . .

whatup sondriven:)

I placed an order for my dps16 quite a while ago, but 8th Street Music keeps workin' me over about a shipping date. I have read as musch info as I could find about the unit, and I can't wait to get it. I sure wish they would hurry the hell up, though.

B.T.W. Where did you purchase your recorder? I am ready to jump ship with 8th St, but they have been so good to me in the past. ;)

Oh Well, let me know how it keeps going with your new toy.

Re: eventually . . . . .

Hey ffmada,

I got awesome service from Sweetwater Sound in Indiana. I got it delivered to my door in 10 days for $1960.00 final price! Call 1800-222-4700 ext.1362. Thats Gary Goldblum's extension. Tell him you want an Akai DPS16 like the guy in marysville, Mi bought and he'll hook you up!

Screw 8th Street Music or what ever that place is!

My email is sondriven1@email.com if you have more questions!
I paid $1,500 even for mine... brand new with effects installed. No internet... I bought it at Guitar Satan and took it home the same day.
Everything is negotiable, and I just happen to be a "world-class" haggler. ;)
haggle 'eh

Dammit Buck, now you actually made me wish there was a guitar satan near here! ;)

I did call up musicians friend and abrupty began haggling the salesman. I didn't do as good as you, but the total finally arrived at $1736.48, including second day air:)

B.T.W. I have been reading about this software called Deepstripper(not what you think) It was written by a dps12 user. Basically it allows you to read one of your akai backup cds with your computer. I was just wondering if anyone has tried using this with the dps16. For more info check this site http://www.alive.co.il/deeps

Hey mad....
Anything under $1,750 is a real good deal, so you did pretty well!
I really can't comment on that program, since I suck at computers and I haven't gotten deep enough into the unit yet to see if it would be beneficial.
Let us know if you get more info on it.
Man and i thought i got a good deal on mine at 1960.00, oh well thats how it goes.

Does anyone know if theres more effects you can buy for the DPS16? i already have the fx board that came with it but want more, always wanting more!!
I took a minor risk and ordered a blemished one from MF on tuesday for $1500. Fucker was supposed to be here yesterday, and here I am without it. Right now its sitting in a warehouse 40 miles from my home, and it will be there until monday. So much for 2nd day air. They have the 45 day moneyback guarantee, so if it's all cracked and screwed up I have some more leverage to haggle a brand new one for $1750. I hope its got the fx already installed otherwise I'm gonna have to wait until my trial period is over to order it. Pretty soon we should be able to lobby Dragon for our own forum, eh fellas?

BTW what kind of back-up media are you guys gonna go for? I'm thinking Yamaha CD-RW...
there is an akai planet bbs...but it's a baron wasteland...we can either all vow to move over there to discuss the dps, or just keep using up space here...

either way, i truly believe we should encourage communication. the vs planet bbs is very busy, and i think much information is exchanged.

i love the akai unit, i'm glad i didn't get a vs. now the yamaha is a different matter!

i am thinking about a jazz drive or a syquest for back up...but i want to be double sure and check with akai before i hook anything up to it...i've heard horror stories about hooking up non compatible items!
dps forum

there is a forum for dps users although it mostly has dps 12 users. I think the link was given is this thread somewhere. It has some helpful info about this line of recorders, but beware, if you sign up you will get every single post by each member delivered to your e-mail. :) I get only about fifteen a day now, but sometimes it gets ridiculus. I'm all for staying in touch though, as I know I will have many stupid questions for you guys.

oh yeah

lazyboy. .
I was thinking about the yamaha cdrw as well for backups. I know a few people that use plextors and they don't seem to have any problems. Akai has a list of proven compatible SCSI cdrw's but I can't seem to locate it right now. When I find it I'll post it, but I already know that many brands/models that are not on the list will work.:)

I ordered the version 1.11 update on cd from akai for $19.00 and got it yesterday. So guess what? Version 1.5 was just released yesterday . Thats crap!!
You can e-mail me if you want the 1-800 toll free akai tech support number. Ive got it. But you must push for an akai forum.