Advice needed on purchase studio monitors

THanks Buck62

I have still not found reviews on the tria, but on the 20/20 now I read some really good stuff, especially about realistic reproduction and how you are able to hear every detail and reverb tail etc etc.

I think you made a great buy, and I would not mind getting myself a pair too.

Will the unpowered version sound the same as the powered version?
PS v. 2020bas

It's interesting to compare the PS's and the 2020bas, since their specs are essentially identical except for 1) the amplifier wattage going to the LF and HF cones and 2) the crossover point. I imagine the difference in their sound must be attributable to the cross-over since the wattage should not affect the sound reproduction.

Interesting! I ended up with the PS8's not because they sounded better but because the price was unbeatable and as I mentioned earlier, I could not tell which of the two speakers had the more accurate sound reproduction.
It all depends on what amp you get. If you go with a Hafler, you're going to get primo sound. If you go with QSC, Samson, or some other brand, I couldn't tell ya what kind of sound you'll get.

Remember, there are three diffrent versions of the 20/20:

1) 20/20 (passive... needs an amp)
2) 20/20p (powered... bass and tweeter powered by one internal amp)
3) 20/20bas (bi-amped... seperate internal amps for the bass and tweeter)

If you go with the passives, just remember that you're gonna need a total of 4 cables to hook them up.

Recording Unit to Amp / Amp to Left Monitor
Recording Unit to Amp / Amp to Right Monitor

I was going to go with the passives with a Hafler amp at first, but then I started pricing Monster Cables and it started to get rediculous.
Also, getting the 20/20bas means less cables dangling from your workstation. Plus the bi-amped system was designed to give you the best sound possible.

These are things you might want to consider.
