acustic foam

Auralex is probably the biggest bang-for-the-buck in foam. THAT SAID, foam doesn't really do anything for what you're trying to do.

Although that rarely stops anyone from doing it for some reason... :facepalm:
Although that rarely stops anyone from doing it for some reason... :facepalm:

I think it's all the old images of studios with the egg-shapped finishes on their looks cool. :D

Of course, many of those studios also had all kinds of additional treatments and trapping.
It does look really cool until the bored bass player has picked a large number of chunks out of it with his fingernail while waiting for the singer to finish his tracking!
I have a very small amount (% area of the room) of egg shaped foam in my studio, I use it to tame a few wayward highs that we had around the drum area and also where I set up guitar rigs. It is used with bass traps, mid band absorbers and high mid ceiling clouds, on its own the foam is useless, use it sparingly. Oh and it does not sound proof.

well im think of acustical foam about around 170 sq feet
Under $1k I'd imagine for Auralex -- 2-4x that if you want Illbruck / Sonex / etc.

Still, isn't going to do squat for the low end -- That's 90% of your problematic stuff. If you don't have the lows under control, you control nothing.
well trying to get better quality in general look up my recordings on youtube under youngsrecordingservices my main one jessie girl and you can get a jist of what it sounds like already
well Im using it for a home studio in the basment if that helps

Guys correct me if I am wrong (well guys/gals that actually know this for a fact is wrong), but bass buildup is even worse in basements. Bass build-up in, say, a bedroom on a main floor with adjacent rooms around it, isn't as bad because some of the bass can escape through to the other rooms. However, in a basement, the only hollow cavity you have to allow bass to escape is behind one of the suix surfaces that comprises the room (the ceiling). So bass buildup is even worse in a basement area (if we're comparing the same sized basement area as a bedroom, not a full basement which would have more space for the bass to move around)!

So if that's true, maybe we should start calling them BASSments? :D :facepalm: :p
Bass buildup is typically worse in basements since the walls are typically concrete or brick, which keeps the low end in the room. Even moreso if it is actually underground. So you're correct in your thinking, but some basements might be a bit more like a typical home room (drywall, not enclosed by dirt all around, not concrete, etc). So not ALL basements are "bassments" - only most. :)

If you want acoustic foam I wouldn't recommend going with some crazy cheap company. Typically the cheap stuff doesn't perform as well and a lot of it is actually extremely flammable. Perhaps try to find it second hand if you need a deal on it?

With that said you'd get much better performance per $$ if you went with mineral wool or fiberglass insulation, or if you just bought premanufactured bass traps or acoustic panels.

What do you record? Do you do any mixing in the room? Do you record multiple instruments at once? How big is the room?
look after basotect foam
Do you work for this foam company? You keep spamming for them.

OP, don't use foam of any kind. Forget about foam when it comes to bass trapping or anything that has to do with acoustics.
I am no recording wizard, master musician acoustis engineer or suprelative in any ways, means, or sorts, but this man needs help. Serious help. I'm at a loss.
Do you work for this foam company? You keep spamming for them.

OP, don't use foam of any kind. Forget about foam when it comes to bass trapping or anything that has to do with acoustics.

I doubt he works for Basotect. Basotect is a decently large scale insulation manufacturer. Trust me when I say the acoustics treatment business is probably less than 0.1% of their total sales.
Basotect is a melamine foam similar to a magic eraser sponge. It works a bit better than the acoustic foams normally talked about. Hardly the same thing though - its main use is building insulation.
I got a box of 24 1" x 2' x 4' OC 703 panels, doubled them up and wrapped them, did the corners along the wall/ceilings, and a couple suspended from the ceiling, and a couple to break up the walls. Unbelieveable difference, best $150 I spent on anything related to music.
I have quite a bit of Aurelex 2" foam, and also many of their thicker bass trap foam corner pieces.
It makes a big difference, but it does get expensive.