AA 3.0 - try THIS out.

But I think I'll stick with Reaper.

I hear so many good things about Reaper, and I've actually downloaded it in the past...I couldn't figure out how to record a track, LOL.

I'm just lazy, and AA is familiar to me. Each version has involved somewhat of a learning curve, but it's been worth it. 2.0 was very exciting for me because of the master bus addition, but I never really had a machine that could handle it...and then when I DID have a machine that could handle it, the OS hated it, lol.

1.5 was a really good program, and I'd still be using it but for my fear that if I stay with one program too long, I'll get left in the dust on the learning curve if I have to skip like 4 versions. I really should try to figure out Reaper, but I just don't have the same zeal that I had 6 years ago when I started recording with CEP. I don't want to learn sh**&. I just want to track quickly, edit in a familiar way, and be done. :D
I hear so many good things about Reaper, and I've actually downloaded it in the past...I couldn't figure out how to record a track, LOL.

I'm just lazy, and AA is familiar to me. Each version has involved somewhat of a learning curve, but it's been worth it. 2.0 was very exciting for me because of the master bus addition, but I never really had a machine that could handle it...and then when I DID have a machine that could handle it, the OS hated it, lol.

1.5 was a really good program, and I'd still be using it but for my fear that if I stay with one program too long, I'll get left in the dust on the learning curve if I have to skip like 4 versions. I really should try to figure out Reaper, but I just don't have the same zeal that I had 6 years ago when I started recording with CEP. I don't want to learn sh**&. I just want to track quickly, edit in a familiar way, and be done. :D

I agree completely. I had the hardest time figuring out Reaper but once I did it's real easy. I haven't taken the time to learn it inside & out...just enough to add tracks, FX, etc.

Just in case you ever decide to give it another try, open it up, press CTRL+T to add a track, press the R button to arm it for recording, then click Record. :D

Options -> Preferences -> Devices -> Audio, select your sound card, then the inputs in the dropboxes and click OK.

To change which input to use for a track, right-click it's volume meter. Press the "FX" button on the track to add a plugin.

And that is about all I know how to do. :D
To be honest I don’t think Audition’s MIDI sequencer is going to replace Cubase which I used for midi editing.
Audition will always be my main mixing and audio editing software but Audition's MIDI editing is kind of primitive.
I probably haven’t learned every single function yet but people who are familiar with Cubase know what I am talking about.

I really hope that time will show I was wrong.
In the meantime, I’ll make my piano, violin, drums etc in cubase,
I’ll export WAVs and mix them in Audition together with my audio guitars tracks.
Still I dig how Auditions VSTi works.
I have Drum midi track. VSTi is Battery 2
I added effects: EQ, multiband compressor and studio reverb
I am able to play everything in real time together with rest of session without using Lock/Freeze function.

I don’t say those effects are the right ones for DRUM track. I just test performance of my DAW. My PC does not have a dual core.
It’s a Pentium 4, 3GHz with 1 GB RAM.
It is full of shit and used for everything else.
I agree completely. I had the hardest time figuring out Reaper but once I did it's real easy. I haven't taken the time to learn it inside & out...just enough to add tracks, FX, etc.

Just in case you ever decide to give it another try, open it up, press CTRL+T to add a track, press the R button to arm it for recording, then click Record. :D

Options -> Preferences -> Devices -> Audio, select your sound card, then the inputs in the dropboxes and click OK.

To change which input to use for a track, right-click it's volume meter. Press the "FX" button on the track to add a plugin.

And that is about all I know how to do. :D

Cool man, thanks. I was able to record a couple of tracks last night. Question: When I tried to edit a track, it asked me for my "external editor," which I selected as AA 3.0. Does Reaper not have an editor?

By the by...I messed around with AA3.0 today, and I gotta' say, it's acting a lot nicer than the previous version. It's been more stable, it likes my ASIO drivers better, and it's got some new bells and whistles. The auto crossfades as a default (rather than having to select "play hidden tracks") all the time was a nice touch. I'm sure the ability was there before, but now I don't have to go find it.
Cool man, thanks. I was able to record a couple of tracks last night. Question: When I tried to edit a track, it asked me for my "external editor," which I selected as AA 3.0. Does Reaper not have an editor?

By the by...I messed around with AA3.0 today, and I gotta' say, it's acting a lot nicer than the previous version. It's been more stable, it likes my ASIO drivers better, and it's got some new bells and whistles. The auto crossfades as a default (rather than having to select "play hidden tracks") all the time was a nice touch. I'm sure the ability was there before, but now I don't have to go find it.

That's one thing Reaper isn't, an audio/WAV editor. You can configure it to open the file in Audition's editor through the Options -> Preferences -> External editor, but other than that, you pretty much have to do non-destructive editing. If you select the WAV part of the track and press "V" it will show/hide volume envelopes. If you press "P" it will show pan envelopes. On the track, there is a little button for FX automation as well, so you can control different parameters of each FX plugin with envelopes.

This, combined with the FX rack doesn't really leave much reason to use an editor except on rare occasions. When configured to use AA as an editor, for example, it will launch AA's editor view with the wav file. When you save that file in AA (or press CTRL+S) it will automatically update the file in Reaper. You can just leave AA open from that point if you need to do anymore editing and it works pretty seamlessly.
aiight, ya'll 4ced my hand, i think i'm really bout to go snag my disk from my buddy and install the damn thing and get to playin round wit it......

my AA2 has been on a retard binge the past week or so....... stopping mid-mix, freezing up while applyin plug-ins......

the shits just retarded to me now.......... for the first time since i had AA2 i thought about downgrading back to 1.5, oh well AA3 here i come......
my AA2 has been on a retard binge the past week or so....... stopping mid-mix, freezing up while applyin plug-ins......

When the software goes retarded, sometimes you can make it smart again by uninstalling and reinstalling.
When the software goes retarded, sometimes you can make it smart again by uninstalling and reinstalling.
its cool again for the moment, i think it has somethin to do with my OS all together and not just AA2......

i'll have to be patient though, i think my bro or cousin took my XP disc......
Addictive Drums worked fine with AA 3,0. I tested it yesterday.
Just for fun I run kick and snare on battery 2 and the rest of the kit simultaneous on Addictive Drums.
In addition to that I played some fill ins manualy on my midi keyboard. Worked like a dream in real time.

Does anyone use some nice Bass Guitar VSTi on AA3,0?
Any recommendation???