A start to my first mix!


Is the guitar too loud in general or is it a specific part, I.e the verse?

Yea I know the part now, It's the second Take me home in the verse. I can fix that. :)
Is the guitar too loud in general or is it a specific part, I.e the verse?

I think in general. In the intro, it seems fine because there's nothing to compare it to. But when other instruments come in, it's noticeable that the guitar rides over everything.
That's a really cool song, I love the sound and your guitar part is hot. The one thing that jumped out was the "so take me home" parts, they didn't sound in the mix, may need lowering, distance or a little of both. There were places I thought the kick was getting lost, but listening closer it sounds like the kick was just left out in places I expected it. I just got here so I missed the earlier versions, but if this is your first crack at it then you have reached a good mix pretty early, the help on this site is top notch. I really like your vocal too, reminds a little of Winwood.
That's a really cool song, I love the sound and your guitar part is hot. The one thing that jumped out was the "so take me home" parts, they didn't sound in the mix, may need lowering, distance or a little of both. There were places I thought the kick was getting lost, but listening closer it sounds like the kick was just left out in places I expected it. I just got here so I missed the earlier versions, but if this is your first crack at it then you have reached a good mix pretty early, the help on this site is top notch. I really like your vocal too, reminds a little of Winwood.

Thanks mate. Yea the vocals need looking at a little! I also need to look at EQing a little and to start compressing!

I just clicked on five different links and each one triggered a 'sorry we can't find that track' from soundcloud.

Well, philondon - sorry, I can't listen to your tune.

Thanks for trying lol! You need to click on the latest one mate. Try this one. :)

Take Me Home1 by Farce_Bandit - Listen to music
The fake claps still need replacing! :rolleyes: Reminds me of the sound from my first drum machine (Boss DR1 Dr Rhythm). The lead vocal and guitar are competing for space - try panning the guitar to one side and scoop the 250-350Hz range. It sounds over compressed, too. The vocal doesn't have any air to it, either - it sounds like it may be too compressed, too? The BU vocal parts that come in panned wide sound clearer than the lead vocal.
RAMI's right about the wing bvs that startle by contrast with the main vocal - they're way louder - which is one reason you might want to turn up the main vocal.

Yeah, you might want to pan the vocal and the riffing guitar 20 left and right as well.

When the crunchy guitars come in left and right, the whole mix sounds like it needs some low mids cutting. When they disappear, the mix sounds okay. Nudge. ;)

Nice tune - I like it.
The fake claps still need replacing! :rolleyes: Reminds me of the sound from my first drum machine (Boss DR1 Dr Rhythm). The lead vocal and guitar are competing for space - try panning the guitar to one side and scoop the 250-350Hz range. It sounds over compressed, too. The vocal doesn't have any air to it, either - it sounds like it may be too compressed, too? The BU vocal parts that come in panned wide sound clearer than the lead vocal.

There is reverb on the vocal track, I haven't added any compression at all. I'll have a go at panning the guitar, I was panning it 25% left and then added reverb on the other side.

RAMI's right about the wing bvs that startle by contrast with the main vocal - they're way louder - which is one reason you might want to turn up the main vocal.

Yeah, you might want to pan the vocal and the riffing guitar 20 left and right as well.

When the crunchy guitars come in left and right, the whole mix sounds like it needs some low mids cutting. When they disappear, the mix sounds okay. Nudge. ;)

Nice tune - I like it.

I'll have a look at those vocals, you're right that they do need looking at,
It would be great to get a little feedback, I worked quite hard to get it sounding as good as I could.

