Totally agree with this one, fwiw. As much as I thought Ghost's was just humorous, though intentionally pushing it, I thought this one was just a troll.

C'mon dudes, get with the program. You want to run around yelling that the sky is falling, fine. Just do it somewhere else. Nobody's biting.

House rules. You don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.
Any chance we can have a ban list so we know who's gone, what for and how long they're on holiday for. Would be nice to know why people have disappeared. This could end up turning into an argument though so maybe make it a locked announcement thread. So people can see it but not comment.
Any chance we can have a ban list so we know who's gone, what for and how long they're on holiday for. Would be nice to know why people have disappeared. This could end up turning into an argument though so maybe make it a locked announcement thread. So people can see it but not comment.

There are practical reasons for not doings so. There are around 3,800 banned users. A list is visible to mods.

There is no real reason for HR members to know who has been banned, what they were banned for and how long they are banned. I can understand why some people may be curious, but curiosity is not sufficient reason to reveal details that should, in some cases, remain confidential.
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Fair enough - I was just wondering where Greg was; there's a few other people been MIA lately.
No worries. Greg has not been banned.

When someone is banned, his or her user title changes to "banned" from whatever it was (in my case "Mr Grumpy", in your case "In Year Zero").
You and me both!

---------- Update ----------

It would make me sad if Greg got banned. He always makes me laugh.
No worries. Greg has not been banned.

When someone is banned, his or her user title changes to "banned" from whatever it was (in my case "Mr Grumpy", in your case "In Year Zero").

They are doing a forum specific banning i.e. a permanent prime time ban but still able to post elsewhere as long as they don't push the envelope elsewhere too..
They are doing a forum specific banning i.e. a permanent prime time ban but still able to post elsewhere as long as they don't push the envelope elsewhere too..

There is nothing necessarily 'permanent' in regards to a ban of a member. Especially when it comes to a specific forum ban. More of a temporary 'time out' that does not restrict a member from participating in other forums.

We are trying to be as fair as we can with the changes and still keep the integrity the site and it's members. :)
the emergency services are 999 in the UK...I always thought that made more sense

My friends credit card pin was 5555 so he could use the middle braille button when he was drunk, the card company had none of it and told him to change it forthwith
There is nothing necessarily 'permanent' in regards to a ban of a member. Especially when it comes to a specific forum ban. More of a temporary 'time out' that does not restrict a member from participating in other forums.

We are trying to be as fair as we can with the changes and still keep the integrity the site and it's members. :)

I remember being banned from PT for posting a meme with the words "titty sprinkles" in it...not sure if the ban was serious :D
I totally get what the mods are doing and I appreciate that they haven't said "Fuck this. Why should I even bother? I'm VOLUNTEERING TO DO THIS, who needs all the grief I'm getting?".

Having said that, I think banning the OP but keeping the thread open is the exact opposite of what I would have done. For a first "offense", I would closed the thread and given the OP a warning, since his intentions were, and still are, vague. Just my opinion.
I remember being banned from PT for posting a meme with the words "titty sprinkles" in it...not sure if the ban was serious :D

You got banned for that? I guess there was more to it...lol.

That's about the only meme I've ever literally laughed out loud at. The Morgan Freeman one, right?
You got banned for that? I guess there was more to it...lol.

That's about the only meme I've ever literally laughed out loud at. The Morgan Freeman one, right?

yeah...i had just been banned from the cave and the mod said I was caving up PT by posting it...was a great meme :D