4 Mics. Unlimited budget. Go.


New member
Pretty self explanatory. If you were forced to give up your entire mic locker for any 4 (and only 4) microphones in the world, which would you pick?

Keep in mind that if you get a stereo pair, you only have 2 mics left, and you can only mic drums with a combination of these 4 mics.
Schoeps CM6 (cardioid) X2, Elecrovoice RE20, Brauner VMA. That ought to get the job done. If you can't record it with one or more of those, it's because it doesn't make a sound.- Richie
Pretty self explanatory. If you were forced to give up your entire mic locker for any 4 (and only 4) microphones in the world, which would you pick?

Keep in mind that if you get a stereo pair, you only have 2 mics left, and you can only mic drums with a combination of these 4 mics.

I always think it's dumb when people make threads like these.
Okay. Is this going to be a test later?

For the record......Neumann M49.....Neumann U67.....2X Neumann KM84

How much do I get to spend on the console? Helios
I am not equipped to answer at this time. Give me the unlimited budget and I will get back to you with an answer. With an unlimited budget I would have to hear mics that I have never previously considered due to price constraints.
Can I get 4 of whatever microphone is most expensive and then sell them to buy back my locker? :D

I'm with Omtay. I've never even considered a mic outside of the 2-digit price range.

I suppose figuring out 4 mics that would work for a kit AND vocals AND instruments is an interesting challenge.
I have an SM58 on my snare right now. Odds are good I'd get a set of SDC overheads and something cool for vox, but the 58 would still end up being my workhorse.
'Scotch' can only officially be made in Scotland. There are some decent sipping whiskeys made here in the states but the rules are different. There is no aging requirement. Anything aged over two years is badged as 'straight' whiskey, bourbon, mash, etc. There are single malts around and they are gaining in popularity. A lot of Canadian Blends. I like the Snake River Stampede as well as the Pendleton. Out here in the wild wild West, theres distillers everywhere. A lot of the brewerys are making their own whiskeys now. The Macmenamin Brothers have a single malt called Hogshead thats quite pleasant. They still arent Scotch however.
Don't try expensive single malts unless you have money.

I tried one on special offer and now I can't drink anything less - Glenfiddich 18 year old, £40 a bottle. (That's about $65 ?) :drunk:
Thats a sweet one. I like that one very much. Very light on the finish and very tasteful on the palette. At least you're not paying the prohibitive 'extra' that the state run liquor control commission tacks on around here. I paid less for a Balvenie Double Wood in HAWAII than here.....Its frickin HAWAII where everything like that has to be shipped in!

Yeah this is a better thread than some silly "best 4 unlimited budget" thread.