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    Stripper Glitter...mix critique

    A song that came from a disturbing concept on a drunken summer night (we youtubed it before I recorded the song): Here is a brief horrible version of the night it was created (keep in mind we were hammered) Some of us have daughters and the drunken...
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    Original song - mix comments welcome The name of the song is "LOL" Original song that I recorded direct with a Taylor 310ce. I used an Mbox (the original 2 port) into Protools 7.3 (for those that use pro tools and might be able to offer some...
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    Truth 2.0

    Another song I wrote a couple of months ago that has been drumagog'd... Mbox Protools 7.3 Alvarez acoustic guitar SM57 mic on guitar SM57 mic on vocals No Bass Geetar... PC Drummer 5 (that has been Drumagog'd) Truth 2.0
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    I'll Go Quietly...

    A song I wrote a couple of months ago... I'll Go Quietly I went direct with my Taylor 310ce Dreadnought Cutaway (not entirely happy with the sound) and used an SM57 for vocals. I went direct with a Fender P-Bass. I used PC Drummer 5 software and used the demo version kick and snare from...
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    Troller turned submitter...

    I've been trolling around these boards for months and have finally gotten back into at home recording. I've gotten quite familiar with everybody's music here - I must say the diversity and talent is top notch. I wrote and recorded the music for this recently - I still haven't laid down any...