Stripper Glitter...mix critique


New member
A song that came from a disturbing concept on a drunken summer night (we youtubed it before I recorded the song):

Here is a brief horrible version of the night it was created (keep in mind we were hammered)

Some of us have daughters and the drunken banter turned to Strippers and how much we love them...and then someone said, "Yea but what if you went to a strip bar and you see your daughter on stage but didn't realize it was her until it was too late?"


I began playing the riff you hear in the youtube video and people started chiming in with lyrics.

I invited the guy who was singing them over a couple months later, he brought over the napkin he wrote all the lyrics down on, we polished up the tune, I recorded it and here it is:

Stripper Glitter

I recorded it direct with a Taylor 310ce Dreadnought Cutaway
Vocal mic used was a Blue Bluebird
Original Mbox with Pro Tools LE 7.3
PC Drummer 5 and Drumagog

Lemme know if anything jumps out at you that just doesn't sound right - I have a couple reservations on some things and I've got to come back to it with a fresh pair of ears.

Thanks for the critique!
I'm listening on bad speakers so I can't comment on the mix, but cool song. It ends pretty abruptly though, not sure if I like that part or if I would like a more epic ending :D
I like the song and it's got a good story behind it. My daughter is not even two yet, so I don't want to be thinking about that particular situation.

There's something not right with the drums. Cymbals are harsh and overbearing. I think they dominate the mix to the point it's hard to tell how everything else sits.

Good harmonizing with the vocals.


I'm listening on bad speakers so I can't comment on the mix, but cool song. It ends pretty abruptly though, not sure if I like that part or if I would like a more epic ending :D
Thanks PT! Yea...we kept it short because my buddy that came over to sing it didn't have much time to work on it. Besides...some times I dig the short but sweet tunes. We felt this song might fit that vein. Always keep'em wanting

I like the song and it's got a good story behind it. My daughter is not even two yet, so I don't want to be thinking about that particular situation.

There's something not right with the drums. Cymbals are harsh and overbearing. I think they dominate the mix to the point it's hard to tell how everything else sits.

Good harmonizing with the vocals.


heh...thanks Chili - yea the concept is a very frightening one to us fathers of daughters. :D

I agree on the cymbals they were ripping my face off after I listened to it the next day. Thanks for the harmony critique - I love harmonies but I hate not being in pitch - so the reason they probably sound better than they should is because of melodyne pitch correction software. It is a time and life saver and well worth the money if you are a middle of the road singer that gets bothered easily by the pitchiness of your own voice.

I think it's finally done.

Thanks for the input guys!