Recent content by KaosDG

  1. K

    Measurements and stuff...

    hey everyone I'm gonna start designing and laying out a keyboard/console desk for myself, and I need to know a few things. Can someone tell me the dimensions of rack units? like how wide i should build the bays, so I can put rack equipment in it. (is it 19" like computer racks? i'm good with...
  2. K

    Pro Tools HD

    Whoa. I got a complimentary DVD in the mail from Digidesign about Pro Tools HD (there newest Pro Tools system) All I can say is... Wow. Pretty Spiffy! Supports up to 192Khz Sampling rates! 192!! :eek: The rack hardware is so secksy too... Blue and grey and led's everywhere. I want...
  3. K

    Connection / Sanity Check

    Hey everyone, I'm in the process of trying to get my mixer / 788 and Mac connected together optimally (read: less cable juggling) So far I have laid out what I *believe* would be the best solution for me, I was wondering if someone would take a peek and tell me if this is good or not...
  4. K

    SoundCard for Mac?

    Hey guys/gals/both: I'm looking into getting a 24bit / 96kHz Sound card for my Mac. Currently i'm looking at the M-Audio Audiophile, or the Echo Mia? Both have OS 9.2 drivers (not too concerned about OSx yet, as there isn't much in the way of software to record with) The Echo Mia is newer...
  5. K

    Opinions wanted

    Ok, so I finally grow the bravery to post an MP3 here... it's called "Eternal - The Zero Hour" It's got no singing (trust me, you do not want to hear me sing) It's all Me and my Drum Machine. Tell me what you think of the mix, the song itself...
  6. K

    Studio Materials / Questions

    Hey people... I am planning on soundproofing and "Studio-izing" a section of my basement. I was just looking over that SAE Site (John Sayers site, I believe), and he has some good stuff on wall construction and so on... a few questions: I'm guessing that the Higher the STC (sound transmission...
  7. K

    Too much bass on mixdown?

    Ok, I'm a newbie at all this stuff here, so please bear with me... Basically when I'm mixing down some tracks to test out on "real" listening systems (stereo, walkman, whatever) I always end up with too much bass... even though it sounds completely flat when i'm mixing down. So much bass that...
  8. K

    Tascam 788 Opinions?

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to get some thoughts and opinions on the Tascam 788 Portastudio. (Digital 8-track Hard Disk recorder) Has anyone here used one? Is it worth the price tag (roughly $900). Has anyone used the MIDI control features? Is the sound quality decent on it? (not looking...
  9. K

    Newbie MIDI hookup questions

    Hey folks... I haven't posted here in a while, but now I need some help. I need some advice on hooking up my midi equipment to my PC. Here's the run down: I have an Alesis QS8 (Synth/Keyboard) and an Alesis SR-16 (Drum machine). I will be using this in conjunction with Cakewalk (Pro Audio 8...