Pro Tools HD


New member

I got a complimentary DVD in the mail from Digidesign about Pro Tools HD (there newest Pro Tools system)

All I can say is... Wow.

Pretty Spiffy!

Supports up to 192Khz Sampling rates! 192!! :eek:

The rack hardware is so secksy too... Blue and grey and led's everywhere.

I want one!

too bad it costs about $8000 for the HD1 system. (the lowest end model) :(

Will work for Pro Tools!
Yeah, I ordered the free DVD and it was incredible.

HD is nice, but it is expensive. One good thing about it coming out is that you might be able to pick up some used TDM stuff on the cheap, but they do have the legacy interface on the HD gear, so there might not be a lot of used gear surfacing soon.

There is also a video tape you can get as a freebie that walks you through a recording session with Protools TDM which is also worth looking at.