Recent content by Hatem

  1. H

    Help , Where To Start??

    I'm a newbie in mixing , and i don't know where to start, i've came here expecting to find some pinned thread called "Freshers read this first" but i didn't find any. I did some mixing but i'm stuck with "how much reverb should this instrument take" and "why?? it sounded nice alone but not...
  2. H

    Rehearseal Room:One Big PA or several small ones?

    So once again i run into confusion and rush into my faithful friends over here. So im helping a friend in building a rehearsal room but a one that we are trying to make it sound real good (there may be some $$$$ around to spend). And we should plan on what on what PA to get , so the question...
  3. H

    Recording Multiple Tracks General Question and EMU specfic Question.

    Hello , Let's start by giving some little information about what i have in mind , I'm currently planning to buy a new sound card which takes multiple inputs , to be more specific , i'm planning to buy either e-mu 1820 Card or emu 1616 pci ,and after choosing one of the previous cards , i'm...
  4. H

    Using Vst live ????!!!!

    Hello , So me and my band are obsssesed with vst's , we are interested in mainly in 2 types of vsts : 1. input: midi --> output: audio 2. input: audio --> output: audio and for sure , we chain vsts together not just using one vst The Problem: There are lot of latency that prevent us from...