Using Vst live ????!!!!


New member
Hello ,

So me and my band are obsssesed with vst's , we are interested in mainly in 2 types of vsts :

1. input: midi --> output: audio
2. input: audio --> output: audio
and for sure , we chain vsts together not just using one vst

The Problem:
There are lot of latency that prevent us from using vst reliably live.

The Question:
well , we use crappy soundcards , i know that we should use ASIO sound cards. and i got no problem in buying a soundcard that supports ASIO but i got problem with buying ASIO sound card and then find out that i still have latency.

So can you please tell me what to do to gurantee that i have zero latency and that i can use the vsts live reliably?? or just can you guide me to the material to read about on how to achieve such thing.

I could be mistaken but I believe VST latency is more about the processing power of the computer and the efficiency of the VST plugs. You might get some better help in the keyboard forum.
If you're having problems with latency, all you have to do is adjust the settings in your ASIO control panel.

If you want to use a vst live, all you have to do is download a vst host. There are a number of free ones - the search button over at will help you (they catalog EVERYTHING).

I use Toybear's Minihost (FREE):
Works great for playing my guitar through Amplitube or Freeamp. Give it a shot...
well thnx guyz for the suggetions , i'm currently looking around for some sound-cards like the M-audio and E-Mu (and don't really any other cards that falls in their price range exist except those two brands)