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  • Hey, Kel,

    I got your check. I'll send the books out as soon as I get a new box of Sirens. I'm sold out now.

    Thanks for your interest,

    Hey, Kel,

    I just got your check in the mail today, December 8th. It's postmarked November 24th. The postal service is going through some changes and they kind of suck at their job lately. I've included CDs in some of the books that I send and they open the packages and actually break the CDs just to be nasty. I can't think of any other reason.

    But, in any case, I will send you out Sirens in about five days when I receive more from the printer. I'm sold out now. Let me know if you want an early proof of The Psychic or would rather wait for an edited revision. Most people don't mind the mistakes that I made, but I'll leave it up to you. The content is the same either way.

    Talk to you later, Wig
    Dear Breath:

    I make 400,000,000 dollars a week at home by selling male goatee enhancement solutions. Interested? Call Me!

    Hey buddy, how ya doin?

    The wifey and me are working on getting back together, goin good. :)

    Got a new laptop, win 7 64 bit an everything, how dya work it? :confused::D
    Hey Dogdude how ya doin?

    Trying to get ma house ready for sale, it's nearly movin on time, onwards and upwards eh? :D

    Gonna take a chick clay pigeon shooting at the weekend, her idea, I think she just wants me to know how good a shot she is. :eek: :D
    Hey bud, how ya doin?

    needin som help with that pergola thingy? just shout, I'll be right over. :D

    Got myself a new motor, strayed from the Fords this time and went for a Vauxhall, traitor huh? :D

    The missus reversed into the bank on Thursday, totly missed the cash machine, stupid bitch. :laughings:

    She reckoned the car behind hadn't left her room to get out, lost her temper and floored it in first gear, cept she wasn't in first gear. :laughings::laughings:

    One more week to go then it's munch road trip time. :cool: :drunk:
    And to the SG and the JCM800...I think you should get both. Just tell mama I said it'd be ok...

    I told her how much it costs, and 'well dog said...', and she told me to stop talking to dogs :D
    Hey Dogdude howya doin? :drunk:

    Gettin a chance to relax a bit, even thinkin about a wee holiday for the wee man and me, don't think the wifee n' me is a goer, it's cool tho, we are gettin on fine, time to see what else the wurld has to offer. :D

    Been looking at some bachelor pads, howdya get mirrors to stick on ceilings? :D
    Not too bad, busy too.. Gettin PAID lately! I had a rummage sale over the weekend, made $500. Refi'ed my house on that gov't plan, getting 4.75% now, saving almost $300 a month on the mortgage. And my wife just got a job so she'll be making a buncha extra $$ now, that's gonna help a LOT! Time to pay down some credit cards.. Or buy an SG and a jcm800, still up in the air on that one :D
    Woof Woof doggy breath!

    Thanks for the hello..errr..I mean food raid.:spank:

    How are you doing in the land of canines?:D
    Hey buddy. :drunk:

    Yea I'm flat out just now, I'm running my mates firm while he's away getting a tan in the south of France, busy little company with a good bunch o' lads so I'm quite enjoying it. :)

    Hey I did two laps on the main motocross track on sunday and stayed on, actually I did three laps but the last was just to find the smokes that flew outta my pocket in the second lap. :D

    All's good dude, how's you and the fambly? tell em' munch says hi :)
    Stand on your head and type while someone holds the keyboard upsidedown by your fingers. U need a lot of liquor to discover that..

    LOVE the new dogbreath sign :D
    hey man I just talked to your buddy in australia, he told me to give you a msg:

    ¡ʍʍʍʍʍʍoo ʞɹɐq ɟooʍ ɟooʍ ʞɹɐq ʞɹɐq
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