‘Rich Men North Of Richmond’ Oliver Anthony's viral video 20 million views in 9 days Damn!

He's making a pretty big splash in the pond.....

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James McMurtry told us what was going on over a decade ago.

Yeah - that was cool. I had not heard of him. Killer clean recording too. With the spoken word lyric, layered/textured instrumentation and the manic gtr parts - it kinda reminded me a little of "Pepper" by Butthole Surfers.
Yeah - that was cool. I had not heard of him. Killer clean recording too. With the spoken word lyric, layered/textured instrumentation and the manic gtr parts - it kinda reminded me a little of "Pepper" by Butthole Surfers.

He’s got quite a few albums out. Never achieved widespread success though. All of his music is good stuff. Maybe a bit too truthful about the harsh realities of life sometimes for the general public to swallow.
Sounds a little like Robby Robertson on guitar, his style.

Joked with the wife sitting here, "well isn't he a just a ray of sunshine". The guy speaks some truth, truth ain't always pretty.
I have negative comments on the song or the man, but.......

Something’s up here. There’s some heavy duty horsepower behind this. People don’t just go viral that big and that fast organically on YouTube.
Not saying that it’s a bad thing, but it’s not a grassroots campaign.
Just saying......
I am always hesitant about any music that is political, from either side of the isle, and though this isnt my cup of tea, it isnt political in the sense that it leans in one way or another. Some social commentary that just about anyone that works for a living can relate to, but thats it. One of his videos popped up in my youtube feed that wasnt music, but something where he introduced himself, and thanked everyone for their interest in his music. He recorded tunes on his phone to share to his channel, and drew some interest, but nothing major until a radio DJ heard this tune, and invited him to the station. Cant remember if the DJ recorded a better version for him, or if he played live on the air, but it started there, and is about as grassroots as things get. People heard and liked, and started posting it on social media, and the dude seems to be completely taken by surprise in how it blew up. He said some interesting things in that video i watched, none of which would indicate which way he leans politically. Said he had battled with a drinking and drug problem, as well as some mental health issues. Sold his home, and bought 90 acres that he lives on in a camper. Wants to do the Homestead thing, and get back to a simpler life like his grand father lived. Oliver Anthony was his Grand fathers name, and he uses it to pay his respects to him. Cant remeber what his real name is. Chris something? I dont really dig his music all that much, but he seems like a cool enough guy. Turned down a multi million recording contract, so I would say he is serious about the simpler life thing.
I have negative comments on the song or the man, but.......

Something’s up here. There’s some heavy duty horsepower behind this. People don’t just go viral that big and that fast organically on YouTube.
Not saying that it’s a bad thing, but it’s not a grassroots campaign.
Just saying......
WHOOPS. Big whoopsie’ what a difference one word omitted from a sentence can make! I left out no.

I meant to say “I have NO negative comments on the song or man”

Sorry my bad. Late nite posting. Original posting corrected.
I am always hesitant about any music that is political, from either side of the isle, and though this isnt my cup of tea, it isnt political in the sense that it leans in one way or another. Some social commentary that just about anyone that works for a living can relate to, but thats it. One of his videos popped up in my youtube feed that wasnt music, but something where he introduced himself, and thanked everyone for their interest in his music. He recorded tunes on his phone to share to his channel, and drew some interest, but nothing major until a radio DJ heard this tune, and invited him to the station. Cant remember if the DJ recorded a better version for him, or if he played live on the air, but it started there, and is about as grassroots as things get. People heard and liked, and started posting it on social media, and the dude seems to be completely taken by surprise in how it blew up. He said some interesting things in that video i watched, none of which would indicate which way he leans politically. Said he had battled with a drinking and drug problem, as well as some mental health issues. Sold his home, and bought 90 acres that he lives on in a camper. Wants to do the Homestead thing, and get back to a simpler life like his grand father lived. Oliver Anthony was his Grand fathers name, and he uses it to pay his respects to him. Cant remeber what his real name is. Chris something? I dont really dig his music all that much, but he seems like a cool enough guy. Turned down a multi million recording contract, so I would say he is serious about the simpler life thing.
@SHEPPARDB, you rarely post, but whenever you do post, you post valid opinions.

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to understand why it is that Oliver's lyrics ignited a fire in Democrat underpants.

The lyrics are straight forward.
WHOOPS. Big whoopsie’ what a difference one word omitted from a sentence can make! I left out no.

I meant to say “I have NO negative comments on the song or man”

Sorry my bad. Late nite posting. Original posting corrected.
I kinda figured it out for myself that you meant to say NO.

You came close
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I'm having a bit of trouble trying to understand why it is that Oliver's lyrics ignited a fire in Democrat underpants.

The lyrics are straight forward.

Not the necessarily the Democrats, but the left.
Remember, this is the crowd that invented the “micro-aggression”. An act of aggression so small it’s only perceived by the lefties. :-)
The same crowd that says “silence is violence” :-)

Of course they would get bent out of shape by this song. Hahaha 😂
Of course they would get bent out of shape by this song. Hahaha 😂
Years ago, music performers like Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Joan Baez received love and admiration from old school democrats.
Old school democrats are a thing of the past. Fifty years past, specifically.
Years ago, music performers like Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Joan Baez received love and admiration from old school democrats.
Old school democrats are a thing of the past. Fifty years past, specifically.
Not the necessarily the Democrats, but the left.
Remember, this is the crowd that invented the “micro-aggression”. An act of aggression so small it’s only perceived by the lefties. :-)
The same crowd that says “silence is violence” :-)

Of course they would get bent out of shape by this song. Hahaha 😂
Why does everyone divide us? What's a lefty? What's a righty? Who made those definitions and why and why do we except them?
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Why does everyone divide us? What's a lefty? What's a righty? Who made those definitions and why and why do we except them?
Teams man, teams. Team good guys / Team better guys When dealing with politics you're dealing with people who may in the beginning get involved to do good and make this a better world. In the end they realize how corrupt and twisted the whole deal is and either leave or accept their limited ability in being involved.

BTW you're a lefty cause you said you played guitar left handed...I think. o_O

The good news is in a few billions years this planet will just be a big ol ball of ice floating in the cosmos.... Don't take it, or yourself to seriously. SERIOUSLY!
Why does everyone divide us? What's a lefty? What's a righty? Who made those definitions and why and why do we except them?
I was at a going away to college party yesterday and asked the kid what she was going to major in.... Poli-sci

Oh cool so what is your goal? I want to get involved in government and change policies... Alrighty then,

I asked if she had heard this song...she hadn't...I played it for her.....She didn't like it. :laughings:
Teams man, teams. Team good guys / Team better guys When dealing with politics you're dealing with people who may in the beginning get involved to do good and make this a better world. In the end they realize how corrupt and twisted the whole deal is and either leave or accept their limited ability in being involved.

BTW you're a lefty cause you said you played guitar left handed...I think. o_O

The good news is in a few billions years this planet will just be a big ol ball of ice floating in the cosmos.... Don't take it, or yourself to seriously. SERIOUSLY!
It is not just politics. Religions, sects within religious groups, nationalistic tendencies, flags, borders, ethnic groups, rich and poor. Such a sad
waste of time and money.
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It is not just politics
You are right it's politics and religion but that's it. These are two things that should NEVER be discussed...so said my school bus driver Mrs. Mahaney when I asked her if she was a Catholic driving a bunch of Catholic kids to and from school each day...She was a hoot having us all singing songs every day Bingo and You'll never get to heaven...good shit!

wrote this a million years ago...

It's a blind man who says he can see everything there is to see
Cause there's a lot more to this life than we can see, believe me
It's a strange world
and it doesn't get better it just gets stranger
It's a weird world and that's plain to see
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