Roe vs Wade Overturned

One of them is my cousin, 51 years old, who ended up on a ventilator fighting for his life. He spent over a month and a half in the hospital.
My step nephew is in the military reserve, and he has guilliam barre.
He can not take vaccines.
His last flu vaccine almost killed him.
He spent about a week in IC.
He can not serve because of Biden's rule.

My brother took all his covid vaccines, and got the bug anyway.

It seems to affect type A blood the worst and type O blood the least, so I've heard from a guy in the air force.
All his guys are kept up to date on the vaccines, and some of them have had covid twice already.
The vaccine does have some benefical effects, but so does early intervention with antibody shots which is being fought hard by the vaccine lobbiest.
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Spanish flu was helluva lot worse.
Covid would have to kill 150 million people worldwide to match it.

View attachment 117891

So that's your argument? Spanish flu killed a whole bunch more, so we .... shouldn't ... make vaccines mandatory?
I'm not sure I see your logic. LOL
No mandatory vaccine ... ever.... especially if no one assumes liability for it.
That is unthinkable.
Why wasn't the vaccine mandatory for polio?
Jesus Christ.
I thought I was being extremely hyperbolic when I said 50%.

So you're telling me if there were a virus with a 100% mortality rate --- kills anyone it touches --- and a vaccine that was proven extremely effective (this is not Covid - it's a hypothetical), you'd be ok sending your child to a school with an anti-vaxxer's kid, who's family refused to quarantine and could very well have been exposed?

I just don't know what to say to that.
My step nephew is in the military reserve, and he has guilliam barre.
He can not take vaccines.
His last flu vaccine almost killed him.
He spent about a week in IC.
He can not serve because of Biden's rule.

My brother took all his covid vaccines, and got the bug anyway.

It seems to affect type A blood the worst and type O blood the least, so I've heard from a guy in the air force.
All his guys are kept up to date on the vaccines, and some of them have had covid twice already.
The vaccine does have some benefical effects, but so does early intervention with antibody shots which is being fought hard by the vaccine lobbiest.
I'm sorry that your step nephew can't serve. That's a drag.

If Trump had his way, transgenders wouldn't be able to serve, along with gays I'm sure. But them's the breaks, right?

And transgender kids shouldn't be able to compete in sports, right? Them's the breaks, right?

Life's not fair, right?
Evidence or not, I certainly have some experience. I personally know of five people who got Covid; none of them were vaccinated. One of them is my cousin, 51 years old, who ended up on a ventilator fighting for his life. He spent over a month and a half in the hospital.

So you're telling me if there were a virus with a 100% mortality rate --- kills anyone it touches --- and a vaccine that was proven extremely effective (this is not Covid - it's a hypothetical), you'd be ok sending your child to a school with an anti-vaxxer's kid, who's family refused to quarantine and could very well have been exposed?

If the vaccine is 100% effective, and the mortallity rate is 100% for those that don't take it, then why does it matter to YOU if me and my kids take it?
You and your kids took their vaccines and YOU ARE 100% SAFE.
As for me and my kids, it's our bodies, and our choice, and we take pleasure in it.
And it is NOBODY's business which shots my doctor and I consent to -- in the privacy of his office. (sound familiar?)

It sounds like you want to tell people they can NOT drink, smoke, or have risky sex, by their own choice.
I don't like any of those things and they have killed a lot of people, but it's their body, their pleasure, and their choice.

So where does your puritan ritual end?
Does the left award me a Scarlet Letter?
Do I get a public shaming and a doxxing of my home address by the left?
Does somebody send CNN and MSNBC reporters out to shame my kids as racists on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial?

I just don't know what to say to that.

Well, I know what to say -- mind your own freaken bee's wax.
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And transgender kids shouldn't be able to compete in sports, right? Them's the breaks, right?
Who calls it a sport when a man competes against a woman on a wrestling mat or a boxing ring?
Maybe we should just eliminate women's sports altogether and have genderless sports -- men head to head against women in every category.
I don't see the difference in that and what you propose.

Hey I got an idea...
Those born as males had the benefit of male homones during their physical development.
How about allowing steroids for those born as female?
What an ethical paradox!
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If Trump had his way, transgenders wouldn't be able to serve, along with gays I'm sure. But them's the breaks, right?
and if I have an adverse experience from a mandatory covid-vaccine that leaves me screwed up for life, well....them's just the breaks, ya know....
The gubment waived the liability on the covid-vax...
Buyer be ware, but I have to take the jab anyway....
Them's just the breaks...
oh well... too bad for Mr. Clapton.
He's on his own.
Take the vax Mr. Clapton, ya hear?
Big Brother sez so.
and if I have an adverse experience from a mandatory covid-vaccine that leaves me screwed up for life, well....them's just the breaks, ya know....
The gubment waived the liability on the covid-vax...
Buyer be ware, but I have to take the jab anyway....
Them's just the breaks...
oh well... too bad for Mr. Clapton.
He's on his own.
Take the vax Mr. Clapton, ya hear?
Big Brother sez so.
Well, "them's the breaks" either way. Either you die from an adverse reaction, which is, comparatively speaking, quite rare, or you die from the virus, which is much more likely.

So which one makes more sense?
If the vaccine is 100% effective, and the mortallity rate is 100% for those that don't take it, then why does it matter to YOU if me and my kids take it?
You and your kids took their vaccines and YOU ARE 100% SAFE.
As for me and my kids, it's our bodies, and our choice, and we take pleasure in it.
And it is NOBODY's business which shots my doctor and I consent to -- in the privacy of his office. (sound familiar?)

It sounds like you want to tell people they can NOT drink, smoke, or have risky sex, by their own choice.
I don't like any of those things and they have killed a lot of people, but it's their body, their pleasure, and their choice.

So where does your puritan ritual end?
Does the left award me a Scarlet Letter?
Do I get a public shaming and a doxxing of my home address by the left?
Does somebody send CNN and MSNBC reporters out to shame my kids as racists on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial?

Well, I know what to say -- mind your own freaken bee's wax.
I didn't say the vaccine was 100% effective. I said extremely effective. That's quite an important distinction, because all of our choices on matters like this are about weighing the odds.

What are the odds that the vaccine can safeguard my child from this deadly disease (still in this hypothetical example)? They're very good. They're not 100%, but they're very good.

What are the odds that the vaccine will kill my child or severely harm them? They're very low. They're not 0%, but they're very low.

What are the odds that the virus will kill my child if he/she catches it and is not vaccinated? They're very high - seemingly 100% at this point.

What are the chances my child will catch the virus? That's hard to say and depends on a lot of variables. It depends on everyone's collective actions and choices.

Since you're willing to make extreme statements (no mandatory vaccines ever), let's take two possible scenarios to the extreme:

1. NOBODY chooses to vaccinate or quarantine at all (because, the government shouldn't tell me what to do! LOL). Likely outcome: almost everyone dies. At least, almost everyone in fairly populated areas. Several BILLIONS die, anyway.

2. EVERYONE chooses to get vaccinated and quarantine for the recommended duration. Likely outcome: almost everyone lives. A small percentage may die from adverse reactions to the vaccination. A small percentage may still die from the virus for unforeseen reasons. Let's say ... a million people die.

So, which one of these outcomes is more desirable? Clearly the second one.

Are you telling me that you'd rather have BILLIONS die than have to obey the orders of the government for your own good? Just because of principles? Just because 'Merica!?

Let me clue you in: you already do obey the government for your own good all the time.

Why are there speed limit laws?
To protect the people. Driving really fast is much more dangerous, and many more people would likely die because of it.

Why are there laws against driving drunk?
To protect the people.

Most laws exist for the common good. How would this be any different?

You say I don't have the RIGHT to tell you to get a shot, because there's a very small chance you/your child could have an adverse reaction and possibly die. Well you don't have the RIGHT to send your infected child to school and quite possibly infect my child with a deadly disease that will certainly kill him/her!

Just like you don't have the RIGHT to drive 200 MPH sh*tfaced though a school zone at 3:30 in the afternoon!

Jesus ... am I taking crazy pills here?

And since we can't count on everyone to make the right choice in these matters all the time, we make laws and regulations, etc.

Just like we require immunizations for children in public school (Hepatitis, Polio, MMR, Diptheria, etc.)
It sounds like you want to tell people they can NOT drink, smoke, or have risky sex, by their own choice.
I don't like any of those things and they have killed a lot of people, but it's their body, their pleasure, and their choice.
This is so typical.

No, that's NOT the same. If you want to drink, smoke, have risky sex by your own choice in your own home, go ahead and do it.

But, no, you're not allowed to drink while driving.
No, you're not allowed to smoke in a school and blow smoke in my kid's face.
No, you're not allowed to come to school and have risky sex.

I really don't know how you can make such a weak argument.
Sooo. Who will take their identification chip on the hand or the forehead?
Hint: you'll have no choice.
So have fun paving the way for it. :alien::alien::alien:
So that's your argument? Spanish flu killed a whole bunch more, so we .... shouldn't ... make vaccines mandatory?
I'm not sure I see your logic. LOL

It's your ventriloquism dude... and is NOT what I actually said.
You claimed that covid was a lot worse than any flu bug, and I pointed out that Spanish flu was worse.
You are in error, but you lack the honesty to fix your error.
I also asked if we should have mandatory flu vaccines across the board, since covid is just worse than average, but no comparison to the Spanish flu.
That was and still is my point as I am now speaking for myself.
I really think it is a fair question to ask, and since you lack the honesty to answer it, then I think we're done here, dude.
I really really do think we are done here.
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I think we're done here, dude. I really really do think we are done.

That's something with which I can wholeheartedly agree.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. And hey, I apologize for losing my temper a bit. I don't know you at all, and vice versa. This is not an ideal vessel for nuanced discussion.

Anyway, no hard feelings I hope.

Best regards.
I also asked who is going to pay for the bad covid-vaccine outcomes, since the government and the pharmaceutical companies have no legal liability.
I think that is a fair question to ask for mandatory vaccines.
All other vaccines have full liability, and they are voluntary, but you had to sign a waiver for this one, and it is mandatory. WTF.
How about -- It's my body and my choice?
Only if you are taking another life with an abortion.... otherwise NO. :facepalm:
(Anyone that kills a pregnant mother is charged with a double-homicide in many states).
How about -- Whatever medications the doctor and I agree to -- as two consenting adults in the privacy of his office -- is nobody else's business?
No... that only mattered when there were sodomy laws.
The hypocrisy is absolutely stunning.
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All other vaccines have full liability, and they are voluntary, but you had to sign a waiver for this one, and it is mandatory. WTF.
Not true. All vaccines are liability free. There is a vaccine damage agency in the government, a vaccine liability court, but the manufacturers have zero liability, and the government pays out very little and there’s lots of red tape to go through. This came about in 1986 under Regan.

The current waiver is because it IS experimental and still a clinical trial. Even Obama admitted to it being a clinical trial.

And yes, it’s true they have zero liability with the covid jab.
I also asked who is going to pay for the bad covid-vaccine outcomes, since the government and the pharmaceutical companies have no legal liability.
I think that is a fair question to ask for mandatory vaccines.
All other vaccines have full liability, and they are voluntary, but you had to sign a waiver for this one, and it is mandatory. WTF.
How about -- It's my body and my choice?
Only if you are taking another life with an abortion.... otherwise NO. :facepalm:
(Anyone that kills a pregnant mother is charged with a double-homicide in many states).
How about -- Whatever medications the doctor and I consent to in the privacy of his office is nobody's business?
No... that only mattered when there were sodomy laws.
The hypocrisy is absolutely stunning.
Is this a dystopian bad dream or what?
Thought we were done, but, here:

1. Sure ... it's a fair question about who's going to pay for the bad vaccine outcomes when it's mandatory. It's unfair, but life's unfair. Aren't you asking a woman who's raped to carry that baby to term even though it will have lifelong repercussions and could possibly have deadly complications? It's a slim chance, sure, but it's there. Just like adverse reactions.

2. I never said I was pro-choice. In fact, earlier in the thread I said I was not. Interestingly, the only people I know who have had abortions (5 in total) are all pro-lifers. They have no problem calling the left "baby-killers" when, in fact, they literally have killed babies.

3. I'm not sure what you're getting at with the sodomy law comment.