What monitors do you use?

What monitors do you use?

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It's very subjective. I voted KRK, because I use the Rokit 8'' ones and I am satisfied with the quality, but my dream is to own a Vxt pair. I think Vxt's enough for a good listening, but sure, exists more accurate, better monitors for use. I like Adam too, but because of the price, I would go with Vxt's from KRK.
Hello everyone, I have a dilemma. I am currently using a Vintage pair of Event PS5s and to date, have done the job. (I think) Lately I've been thinking of getting a new (and by "New", I mean that in every sense of the word) pair. KRK Rokit 5 or VXT 4. or Adam F5. I've seen good prices lately but every time I go to "Pull the tirgger", I talk myself out of it.

Do I need new monitors? Is the technoolgy today better than my Event warranting an upgrade or shiould I just keep the Event because the others won't be much better. Is the fact that they are old contribute to any degredation in the sound?

Thanks in advance!

"Do I need new monitors? Is the technoolgy today better than my Event warranting an upgrade or shiould I just keep the Event because the others won't be much better. Is the fact that they are old contribute to any degredation in the sound"?

Yes & maybe
Of course, but you only need what you need

I'm pretty sure the two unpowered near/mid sets I use are from the '90s and the studio monitors from 1970
I just upgraded from rokit 5's to a pair of sealed cabinets and a mixcube. Rearranged my room too and added some bass traps. The difference is phenomenal, I can finally hear subtle eq moves. . . I'm not sure what made the most difference but if I had to pick one to keep it would be the mixcube I think, can't recommend it enough.
Hello everyone, I have a dilemma. I am currently using a Vintage pair of Event PS5s and to date, have done the job. (I think) Lately I've been thinking of getting a new (and by "New", I mean that in every sense of the word) pair. KRK Rokit 5 or VXT 4. or Adam F5. I've seen good prices lately but every time I go to "Pull the tirgger", I talk myself out of it.

Do I need new monitors? Is the technoolgy today better than my Event warranting an upgrade or shiould I just keep the Event because the others won't be much better. Is the fact that they are old contribute to any degredation in the sound?

Thanks in advance!


I recently upgraded from Event TR8's to ADAM A7x. Huge difference in clarity. Not sure that is relative to you however.
Hello everyone, I have a dilemma. I am currently using a Vintage pair of Event PS5s and to date, have done the job. (I think) Lately I've been thinking of getting a new (and by "New", I mean that in every sense of the word) pair. KRK Rokit 5 or VXT 4. or Adam F5. I've seen good prices lately but every time I go to "Pull the tirgger", I talk myself out of it.

Do I need new monitors? Is the technoolgy today better than my Event warranting an upgrade or shiould I just keep the Event because the others won't be much better. Is the fact that they are old contribute to any degredation in the sound?

Thanks in advance!



Yeah...I talked myself out of new monitors for about 5 years and felt my Mackie 824HR pair was up to the task.
I think everyone goes through that when it comes time to drop some serious coin.

I finally pulled the trigger and took things up about 5 notches (IMO)...and zero regrets.

One thing...don't just go up one notch, you will not notice much difference, and you will feel it was a waste.
If you're going to upgrade...then really UP-grade. :)

I think the there's also the other consideration besides "need"...do you really want new monitors?

Yeah...I talked myself out of new monitors for about 5 years and felt my Mackie 824HR pair was up to the task.
I think everyone goes through that when it comes time to drop some serious coin.

I finally pulled the trigger and took things up about 5 notches (IMO)...and zero regrets.

One thing...don't just go up one notch, you will not notice much difference, and you will feel it was a waste.
If you're going to upgrade...then really UP-grade. :)

I think the there's also the other consideration besides "need"...do you really want new monitors?

Totally agree. :thumbs up:
Well...I waited 12 years for my current pair.

Now when it comes to guitars...you got me there. :p
Though I'm finally running out of closet space! :laughings:

I wonder what Ivanka would do? :D
i confess to a being a speaker junkie, but I'm recovering. :drunk:

I've got a bunch of those piling up too...there's gotta be at least 8-10 somewhere in a closet. :facepalm:
I keep holding on to them in case I want to do a swap in one of my cabs...but then I end up buying another one instead.

I think I need to sell a few off...especially since I have two of the same kind with a few of them. :D
:rolleyes: very poor, it's no secret. One day, i'll get some decent ones. For now, i mix on a jambox - Aiwa ca-dw635. Video 5 0 00 02-02.webp
:rolleyes: very poor, it's no secret. One day, i'll get some decent ones. For now, i mix on a jambox - Aiwa ca-dw635. View attachment 102920

That is friggen funny! I had that same stereo! I think I may have checked some mixes on that same unit years ago. Many years ago...

In the mid 90's we used to have one of those BOSE Acoustic Wave things with the cassette deck. Not the little one you find now, but the big one. If it sounded bad on that, the mix sucked... lol

Quality monitoring only makes the task of recording and mixing easier because it does not give false representation of what you are recording/hearing. Continue on with what you have if you understand what it is telling you.

I don't need bother to explain why better is better. It just depends on your needs, time, and budget. Hell, one of my favorite bass guitar tones ever was recorded in a corrugated aluminum storage unit with an AKAI 4 track recorder with a boom box for monitors. I think we borrowed some Tanoys to replace the boom thing to bounce down/mix. It was 30 years ago so I am not sure.

Good times! I think???
M-Audio BX8a's. Have a love/hate relationship with them. They were like $500 brand new. They seem to have a slight bump somewhere in the 200-500 range, could be my room too though. I know them pretty well, but would like to upgrade eventually. I switch off between them and Beyer Dynamic DT-770 Pro headphones, the 80 Ohm version, have a few pairs.
loving these little presonus eris 8's and the temblor t10 sub... they are a big loud/large for my room, which helps motivate me to mix at a lower volume.

I've upgraded from most budget monitors and would have to say these are the best bang for buck I've had so far. Cannot wait to get some focal's though, pretty much have my eyes set on a pair of those bad boys.
I have a question, just for fun -

what do you think are the most common monitors used by the big dogs? What brand/model are you most likely to find in a respected pro-studio