The New Tone Thread

nice tremeloing surf toan.

I would say I'm surprised at how Fendery that Marshall sounds except that's one of the things I like about my 6101 ..... when it works ..... which it doesn't right now again ..... which is why I'm quite likely to :get ready for this: take the Marshall amp out and throw it away and use the remaining 1x12 combo cab for something. Maybe cut the top off and make it a small 1x12 cab.
That amp is coming very close to the end of its existence.

Anyways .... that is some fine surf sound + effects you have there .... a lot is prolly due to that Hallmark but that Marshall is putting out some clean bright git sounds.

And the mix sounds great ..... I'll wait for the finished product but I need to go into the music room and put some good headphones on for this.
Yeah that Mosrite sounds pretty freaking awesome. It's definitely a kindred spirit to my Jazzmaster, they both have that low amount of sustain that made them the go-to guitars for surfy stuff. I think that the Mosrite has more heft to it than the JM, a little more low mids maybe. Cool song too. I'd bring down the lead guitar a bit, although I know that it's a rough mix after a day of ear abuse. Drums sound great too!
nice tremeloing surf toan.

I would say I'm surprised at how Fendery that Marshall sounds except that's one of the things I like about my 6101 ..... when it works ..... which it doesn't right now again ..... which is why I'm quite likely to :get ready for this: take the Marshall amp out and throw it away and use the remaining 1x12 combo cab for something. Maybe cut the top off and make it a small 1x12 cab.
That amp is coming very close to the end of its existence.

Anyways .... that is some fine surf sound + effects you have there .... a lot is prolly due to that Hallmark but that Marshall is putting out some clean bright git sounds.

And the mix sounds great ..... I'll wait for the finished product but I need to go into the music room and put some good headphones on for this.
Hey thanks Boob! Yeah the clean channel on this JVM is pretty nice far as what I use it for...which is dirty surf stuff like this. There's a "Blackface" mod that's pretty popular for the clean channel to make it even more Fendery. But I think I'm good with just how it is. The only problem is the reverb on the amp isn't very good. I'm looking for a Hall of Fame reverb pedal on the used market for a good price. I needs me some spring....or a decent spring sounding pedal.

I saw a 22w Fender Deluxe Reverb head today for $749. I thought it was cool. Just the head. I didn't try it out...but I might go back.

That's too bad about your 6100. Those amps sound good, but as you are experiencing, they came from an era where Marshall hadn't quite figured out being fancy yet. Every one I've seen now has buttons and knobs falling off of it unless it's been stored in a closet for 30 years.

Yeah that Mosrite sounds pretty freaking awesome. It's definitely a kindred spirit to my Jazzmaster, they both have that low amount of sustain that made them the go-to guitars for surfy stuff. I think that the Mosrite has more heft to it than the JM, a little more low mids maybe. Cool song too. I'd bring down the lead guitar a bit, although I know that it's a rough mix after a day of ear abuse. Drums sound great too!
Thanks dude. Those Jazzmasters are cool. I don't get all the switches and thumb wheels, but they're cool nonetheless. Jags and Jazzmasters are about the only Fender guitars I have any interest in. This Hallmark Mosrite has TONS of mids in it. It's just the way it is. You noticed right. It's a big, heavy guitar.

And when the Ventures left Mosrite, they went right to Jags and Jazzmasters. So yeah, if The Ventures use Mosrites and Jazzmasters, then that's all you need to know about their surfiness. :D
Those Jazzmasters are cool. I don't get all the switches and thumb wheels, but they're cool nonetheless.
I truly don't understand why people talk about not understanding the switching on a Jag.
I even see magazine reviews that comment on the "dificult to understand" controls and there's literally nothing to it.

The thumbwheels are simply another tone and volume control, essentially a preset, and the switch lets you change between the two sets of controls so you can have two different volume/tone settings and switch between them.
I truly don't understand why people talk about not understanding the switching on a Jag.
I even see magazine reviews that comment on the "dificult to understand" controls and there's literally nothing to it.

The thumbwheels are simply another tone and volume control, essentially a preset, and the switch lets you change between the two sets of controls so you can have two different volume/tone settings and switch between them.

Lol. Seriously? That's how it works? That's not intuitive at all! I would have never figured that out. Last time I played one, I was like "these fucking switches and wheels don't do anything". :laughings:
I truly don't understand why people talk about not understanding the switching on a Jag.
I even see magazine reviews that comment on the "dificult to understand" controls and there's literally nothing to it.

The thumbwheels are simply another tone and volume control, essentially a preset, and the switch lets you change between the two sets of controls so you can have two different volume/tone settings and switch between them.

When I got my Jag I thought "wow, that's so cool, what a great thing to have!" Haven't used it yet. Not once. :D

Tones sound great, Greg - mix sounds even better. :)
I think we probably all just gravitate to what we like and what we find easy - if you like something complex, you get used to it and it becomes easy.

Pair of humbuckers, 3 way switch, a coil split, master volume and master tone is pretty much all I need.
Nice surf tremolo work Greg.
Just think, I have some of that on my latest track - oops gave it away!
You'll have to post the song when done so we can have some context.
Delay then trem. Hmmm.
The mic blend seems pretty cool - I'm listening with Sennheiser Hphones so can't be 100% but if it didn't sound good it'd sound worse in these cans. Def NOT dark!
Fun noise & wah section too.
Nice surf tremolo work Greg.
Just think, I have some of that on my latest track - oops gave it away!
You'll have to post the song when done so we can have some context.
Delay then trem. Hmmm.
The mic blend seems pretty cool - I'm listening with Sennheiser Hphones so can't be 100% but if it didn't sound good it'd sound worse in these cans. Def NOT dark!
Fun noise & wah section too.

Thanks Ray.

No, the delay is in the effects loop, so technically it'd be trem, then delay. The delay is on everything no matter what pedal I hit out front.

Guitar > Tremolo > Amp > Delay > Back to Amp > Cab
The LP going into the Marshall sounds pretty good with the Mosrite single coil fendery sound. Nice contrast. It works much in the same way that a duet with 2 singers works the best if one has a thick timbre to their voice and the other has a thinner timbre to their voice.
I love the tune too, with the pick slides and musical creshendos.It really conveys the energy and excitement of riding a wave on a surfboard....or in general a fast dangerous ride on anything.
nice work and excellent tones.!
Haha thanks jimi. Pickslides might be my favorite thing to do on a guitar. For real. No one fucking does them anymore. I do them all the damn time.

Anyway, those are the "bed" tracks. That's all I do in the song. I tracked it exactly as I'd play it live. I don't think the other guy does anything different either. He tracked it as he'd play it live as far as I know. There is no solo or anything. I think we're gonna overdub more pickslides...well, I am anyway. More pickslides! :D