The New Tone Thread

By the way, Houston is flooding again this morning. Heavy duty rain moved right down I-10 all night, and shit is fuuuuuuuucked up. And of course people are driving into water and having to escape through their sunroofs because they're fucking stupid.

Darwinism in action, mate.
Haha, got some corny rockstar pics from my last gig. :thumbs up: :laughings:

I need to stuff my pants Spinal Tap style next time for this rock pose.
Haha, got some corny rockstar pics from my last gig. :thumbs up: :laughings:

I need to stuff my pants Spinal Tap style next time for this rock pose.

Nice pics, and it looks like a sweet venue as well.

Hahaha definitely go for the foil-covered zucchini next time :)
lol .... you rock the pose man!

I hope it's not that bright in the club .... wait, that's a tent ............ and the Mosrite looks great back there!

'Lil Po has some skills there man...I noticed the ride not coming through too, you could probably automate the oh tracks where it needs it...

Sound good Bubba!!!
thanks, Miner, having got my video boots slightly damp with this, I'm keen to do a bit more!

Generally the cymbals/OHs are nicely sybtle which suits the mix/song.
That low tom is looowwwwww but cool.
It may need to be reined in a little bit or brought in from its wide panning as it sticks out a bit.
Winows Movie maker after XP is pretty awful. I love the XP version but have steered clear of the newer one as it just doesn't work as well or as logically.
I scored Wondershare Video editor which isn't free but is more like the old WMM but with more bells and better whistles.
Thanks, Ray. I'll give this a go for a couple more vids, then see how I go. :)
Nice pics, and it looks like a sweet venue as well.

Hahaha definitely go for the foil-covered zucchini next time :)

lol .... you rock the pose man!

I hope it's not that bright in the club .... wait, that's a tent ............ and the Mosrite looks great back there!


Thanks guys.

Yeah that was an outdoor stage with a tent over the top. It was really awesome. I'd never played there before. Cool place.
Sunroof isn't considered a sunroof anymore. It's advertised as an escape hatch for people who can't read DO NOT CROSS signs or recognise that water washing fridges across the road is too deep/swift/dangerous to drive through.
This fucking thread is like the Energizer Bunny. Haven't been around for a few days. Nice to see you Tonetards are still tonetarding.

Great pics, Greg. That gold LP looks great. Those are actually pretty pro looking pictures. You look like a "real" musician. :D
This fucking thread is like the Energizer Bunny. Haven't been around for a few days. Nice to see you Tonetards are still tonetarding.

Great pics, Greg. That gold LP looks great. Those are actually pretty pro looking pictures. You look like a "real" musician. :D
Haha right? I almost might sort of look like I know what the fuck I'm doing up there.

You guys that get nervous about playing live, you see what I mean? It's really no big deal! I totally suck! Just go out there like you are the only thing that matters and people eat it up. They just want to be entertained. If that means hamming it up with rock poses, then go for it. It's all in good fun for everyone. :D

I like the goldtop. That's the coolest LP Finish IMO
Thanks. I agree. Goldtops rule. Classic and classy....even in the hands of a goofball like me.

I'll say this...that Goldtop Les Paul is perfect in every way. I aint just saying it because it's mine. I shuffled through over 100 Les Pauls over several months looking for "the one", and that one is it. There is not one single thing I'd change about that guitar in any way. Perfect neck, perfect pickups, perfect action, perfect feel, perfect finish, perfect everything. I like all of my guitars, but that one is the one.
you see what I mean? It's really no big deal! I totally suck!
well, except that you don't!
A guy striking a pose but sucking is a poser and everyone knows it.
We all laugh at guys like that.

The reason you pull it off is that you can back it up ..... you know it and so does everyone there and that's what makes it real.

And yes, the goldtop is the LP I'd like.
I have a Zak Wilde which is surprisingly pretty in person.
Wifey and I thought it looked stupid in pictures but when we saw one we both oohed and ahhhed over it and she bought me one.

But a goldtop ...... I'd like one .... either mini-buckers or P90s .... not sure which.
well, except that you don't!
A guy striking a pose but sucking is a poser and everyone knows it.
We all laugh at guys like that.

The reason you pull it off is that you can back it up ..... you know it and so does everyone there and that's what makes it real.
I guess I just mean like I'm nothing, a nobody, but I sometimes get to play these big, professional places, pro stages, pro sound, pro lights, pro crowds! No pro money though. Lol. But I just do it. None of that gets to me. Stand me up, plug me in, and watch out cuz I'm gonna go balls deep. I don't let the moment get to big for me. I used to really hate gigs because they're just so monotonous. But that was when I was only drumming and I'm kind of stuck in the back. Now that I'm playing guitar again too, I get to let it fly more, ham it up, and just have more fun with it. I truly enjoy doing both now more than ever.

And yes, the goldtop is the LP I'd like.
I have a Zak Wilde which is surprisingly pretty in person.
Wifey and I thought it looked stupid in pictures but when we saw one we both oohed and ahhhed over it and she bought me one.

But a goldtop ...... I'd like one .... either mini-buckers or P90s .... not sure which.
You need a Deluxe! Goldtop with mini-hums...nice!

Cool pics Greg.....

Hope you're not having any of the flooding issues down there man...

Man Houston got it's ass thoroughly kicked today. Huge flood event today. They call it "training". The bands of rain would pass over the same spots over and over like train cars. Bayous topping their banks...and these are big bayous. I drove around this afternoon and there are flooded out abandoned cars littering the roadways. 18 wheelers stuck under overpasses completely submerged. It's crazy. We had an event like this last year almost to the day, but I think this one might be worse. But for me, I'm high and dry. We got a ton of relentless rain, some minor street flooding because the drains couldn't keep up, but nothing serious. One thing that I think helps the McMansion neighborhoods out here is we have these try-to-be-scenic man-made lakes and ponds. They're really just retention ponds, but they dress em up to look pretty. They take a ton of rain to fill up, but they take the rain. Better they fill up than the streets. The two lakes in my hood are FULL but they drain out fast, so we're in good shape. The ducks seem to love it.
Man Houston got it's ass thoroughly kicked today. Huge flood event today. They call it "training". The bands of rain would pass over the same spots over and over like train cars. Bayous topping their banks...and these are big bayous. I drove around this afternoon and there are flooded out abandoned cars littering the roadways. 18 wheelers stuck under overpasses completely submerged. It's crazy. We had an event like this last year almost to the day, but I think this one might be worse. But for me, I'm high and dry. We got a ton of relentless rain, some minor street flooding because the drains couldn't keep up, but nothing serious. One thing that I think helps the McMansion neighborhoods out here is we have these try-to-be-scenic man-made lakes and ponds. They're really just retention ponds, but they dress em up to look pretty. They take a ton of rain to fill up, but they take the rain. Better they fill up than the streets. The two lakes in my hood are FULL but they drain out fast, so we're in good shape. The ducks seem to love it.

Good to hear you & your family are ok Greg. I saw it on the news, & it's fuckin' terrible. First thing I thought of when I heard "Houston, TX" was you man....Again, glad you're all safe....
Good to hear you & your family are ok Greg. I saw it on the news, & it's fuckin' terrible. First thing I thought of when I heard "Houston, TX" was you man....Again, glad you're all safe....

Well thanks man, but you only need to worry if they say "Katy,Tx". I am in the greater Houston area, but my little burb is way out here on the west end. I'm not in Houston city limits. I'm about 35 miles from downtown. If you're heading west on I-10, I'm the last civilized outpost of the Houston area before you enter the vast nothingness of Texas. Next stop, San Antonio, about 4 hours later. There's not much between me and San Antonio. After that is true West Texas nothingness.

The rains this morning started around 3am and marched right over my head and charged pretty much straight east down I-10 into Houston. It's like the rain intended to take the freeway. It was pretty nuts. The lightning and thunder was literally non stop. Serious stuff.
Well thanks man, but you only need to worry if they say "Katy,Tx". I am in the greater Houston area, but my little burb is way out here on the west end. I'm not in Houston city limits. I'm about 35 miles from downtown. If you're heading west on I-10, I'm the last civilized outpost of the Houston area before you enter the vast nothingness of Texas. Next stop, San Antonio, about 4 hours later. There's not much between me and San Antonio. After that is true West Texas nothingness.

The rains this morning started around 3am and marched right over my head and charged pretty much straight east down I-10 into Houston. It's like the rain intended to take the freeway. It was pretty nuts. The lightning and thunder was literally non stop. Serious stuff.

I knew you lived in Katy, but didn't know how close you were to the carnage dude in Houston. I knew you don't live very far from there, & that's the reason for my concern dude....Again, glad you & yours are alright....
There was enough carnage around here to affect us, but not the washing cars away carnage that happened in Houston proper. None of the creeks and bayous around here topped their banks. Most of the stuff around here was garbage cans floating down the street and dummies driving into water too deep for their Prius.

I do know this...the Billy Joe Bob rednecks in old Katy had a field day finally having a valid use for their jacked up urban Bigfoot monster trucks. They were out in full force dragging cars out of the floods. Too bad there was no looting. Shooting at coloreds would have been a dang tootin good time for them thar good ol boys! :D
There was enough carnage around here to affect us, but not the washing cars away carnage that happened in Houston proper. None of the creeks and bayous around here topped their banks. Most of the stuff around here was garbage cans floating down the street and dummies driving into water too deep for their Prius.

I do know this...the Billy Joe Bob rednecks in old Katy had a field day finally having a valid use for their jacked up urban Bigfoot monster trucks. They were out in full force dragging cars out of the floods. Too bad there was no looting. Shooting at coloreds would have been a dang tootin good time for them thar good ol boys! :D
Glad you are high and dry..:)
The rains you've experienced made it on the news in Sydney. Not the monster truck puddle jumpin' though.