new guitar amp..... BluGuitar AMP1

I've been here just about every day.

I always am.

Thanks but there are many valid, legitimate reasons I don't go to the clinic anymore. Just because I'm not posting anything new doesn't mean I'm not doing anything new.

Sounds deep bro LOL. I'll follow you on sound cloud :guitar: No woman no cry is awesome LOL.
Just heard Mr Blug demo the amp and cab at the Manson's Guitar Show in Exeter. It sounds freakin' marvellous. All the channels, boosted or not, sound like proper amps, whatever that means. There is no digital in the device at all. Valve based front end, tranny power amp, midi switching if you use the, not required, remote footswitch. The cab is awesome. Can be picked up with one finger. If I had cash in the bank I would be ordering one rather than talking about it. :-)
Well that would be bloody typical if someone has finally created a decent affordable amp right after I've finally got my arse in gear and bought a nice tube amp.
There's nothing mentioned anywhere about a valve/tube pre section that I could find - except the mention about the "nanotube".
Yep, you're right rayc. The nanotube is in the power, not pre, amp. I must have misheard at the demo. There is a comprehensive pdf manual on the website. Still sounded bloody 'mazin' though. :-)
I have no problem with a good solid state amp - I have a couple. I do dislike the smoke'n'mirrors of "nanotube" linguistic invention though.
It's a powerful amp that pushes out high quality sims.
I have no problem with a good solid state amp - I have a couple. I do dislike the smoke'n'mirrors of "nanotube" linguistic invention though.
It's a powerful amp that pushes out high quality sims.

again, i don't think they are sims at all...
seems to be all analog circuitry.

'sims', implies digital.
but i get your point,
i'd like to see somebody GUT this thing.....

lay it all out on the table, like a high school cat dissection,
and show us the stuff.
again, i don't think they are sims at all...
seems to be all analog circuitry.

'sims', implies digital.

I don't now dude. "Analog" can be just as misleading. To me, just to me, if it's not an actual tube amp, then I'd rather it be digital "sim" than just regular old solid state clipping. A Gorilla practice amp is analog circuitry, but it's solid state, and not very nice sounding. Maybe this guy finally developed a solid state amp that doesn't sound completely like ass.
that's what i'm thinking...
there have been so many half @ssed designs come out in the last 20 years..
most recently, that roland stab at 'virtual tubes'..... etc...

maybe, finally, this is something that just kicks @ss, plain and simple.

i know the vids make it sound almost as nice as that marshall, side by side...
but i'd have to play one in person,
to know if it had that 3-D quality that has to be there for me..

that's one of the problems i have with all the sims...
they just sound flat to me.

and even if you crank them thru a tube power amp, and a good 4x12, it still sounds flat.

while recording sims, on 'tape', "FLAT" almost works in your favor......
which is why i think so many pros are ok with using them.....

but live feel is important to me,
otherwise i'd just have a pod bean.
There's a few different solid state "virtual" tube sounds that aren't digi-sims. Peavy's "Transtube" was alright. I played through one for years and still own it.
This reminds me of the Hitler/Stevie Ray video. I think a lot of how this amp sounds is in the hands of the player. Good technique can make a lousy amp sound good, let alone if what he's pushing here actually is some form of "tube". Watching the videos, he seems to have thought through the design quite extensively. I also didn't notice whether the Marshall was on standby, but if not, the sound doesn't sweeten up for a while while the tubes get warmed up...
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that's what i'm thinking...
there have been so many half @ssed designs come out in the last 20 years..
most recently, that roland stab at 'virtual tubes'..... etc...

maybe, finally, this is something that just kicks @ss, plain and simple.

i know the vids make it sound almost as nice as that marshall, side by side...
but i'd have to play one in person,
to know if it had that 3-D quality that has to be there for me..

that's one of the problems i have with all the sims...
they just sound flat to me.

and even if you crank them thru a tube power amp, and a good 4x12, it still sounds flat.

while recording sims, on 'tape', "FLAT" almost works in your favor......
which is why i think so many pros are ok with using them.....

but live feel is important to me,
otherwise i'd just have a pod bean.
100% Agreed. That 3D chunking bonk quality that a real tube amp delivers has yet to be simulated.
The nanotube (still without an effective description) is hardwired into the circuit with triple the lifespan of a 12AX7. When it's life span is exceeded the circuit of chip has to be replaced I assume.
Interesting review as it really dealt with tone & stuff - deciding not to dwell of the TUBE aspect.
For all the money invested into R&D on these tube simulation devices, I wish someone would invest it into just one quality tube manufacturing company.
Im talking early RCA and GE quality.

That would make myself and lots of others happy. Not to mention create US jobs.
tube might be something like this ..... we've been seeing them in audiophile-land for a few years:

As for the amp ..... it's just a 100 watt SS amp (class D prolly since it's so light ) with a 4 channel pre-amp stuck on it.
The miniature tube is used like they use 12AX7s in all those tubed pre-amps.

I'm sure it sounds nice if you play well thru it.
I've seen some pretty positive reviews.

It's a lightweight solid state power-amp though, no matter how you cut it.
But that's not necessarily bad.
Crawdad plays thru a Quilter nowadays 'cause of his back and he was down here so I got to play thru it.
It sounded great ..... sounded maybe like a Blackface when you're setting it for clean.

He did have to get his distortion with pedals, which is essentially what this has built into the pre-amp section.
And there are tons of GREAT sounding distortions and overdrives so Crawdad can get all sorts of awesome distorted sounds .... and with the boutique pedals some of them can come sorta close to a cranked Marshall.
And he can set it for any wattage he wants from 0ff to 1 watt to 50 to 100.
This Amp 1 is in the same genre

As players age you're gonna see a lot more of it.
I have friends younger than me that already claim to be unable to lift anything heavier than a feather.
I'm 64 and I kinda insist on being able to handle 75lbs at least. And yes, my back does hurt but fuck it ..... I ain't no wuss!
But what about when I'm 75? ..... 80?
If I live to be 90 (extremely unlikely but still ) .... if I live to 90 I'll be playing 'till 90 so I have to accept I'll be using lightweight stuff then.
That doesn't mean I'll want it to sound like shit ...... so I'm glad to see this kind of thing getting better.

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The guys with money have bad backs. :D
But it seems like small, light, portable and space saving, yet feature packed is the new trend which probably took off around the time of the Ipod.