Should have kept the Cave open.

Just a thought...

Did anyone consider that the allowing of such topics in Prime Time might be a test to see if members here could actually handle the task of self moderating? Not become 'The Cave' again?

Seems it is going really well huh?
You close Prime and the traffic here gets reduced 75%. It is what keeps us here between recording questions.
You close Prime and the traffic here gets reduced 75%. It is what keeps us here between recording questions.

The benefit of this forum for it's intended purpose, and the reduction of traffic from crap posted here are two separate issues.

Long live the Prime Time! Down with the trolls! LOL

Ok, I am just having fun. Carry on with whatever...

Actually, besides JDOD's and DM60's crap, there's virtually zero political threads. I mean sure there's some mindless sheeple that flock to them, but those sheeple don't post their own threads.

and let's be honest--when it comes to dat prime time, we all know that the football thread runs this bitch.

BTW, did Grip really get banned? Or is it an elaborate ruse?
Actually, besides JDOD's and DM60's crap, there's virtually zero political threads. I mean sure there's some mindless sheeple that flock to them, but those sheeple don't post their own threads.

and let's be honest--when it comes to dat prime time, we all know that the football thread runs this bitch.

BTW, did Grip really get banned? Or is it an elaborate ruse?

Are you actually reading the posts on this forum or did you just come by to give some irrelevant wisdom in regard to just one topic? :D

If you really care about a members status, then contact them yourself. Or, unless you didn't actually have a personal relation with them then contact admin or a mod.

You know how this works dood. I find it a bit odd how you chime in now and again to talk some shit, yet you don't post anything relevant to the recording forums anymore. Why?
Are you actually reading the posts on this forum or did you just come by to give some irrelevant wisdom in regard to just one topic? :D

Can wisdom truly be irrelevant? :)

Football thread is love, football thread is life.

Actually now that I think about it can we change the name of Prime Time to Football Time?
Actually, besides JDOD's and DM60's crap, there's virtually zero political threads. I mean sure there's some mindless sheeple that flock to them, but those sheeple don't post their own threads.

and let's be honest--when it comes to dat prime time, we all know that the football thread runs this bitch.

BTW, did Grip really get banned? Or is it an elaborate ruse?

Well JDOD, looks like you and me are to blame for this section of the board going to crap. Guess we just have to live with the shame.
Well JDOD, looks like you and me are to blame for this section of the board going to crap. Guess we just have to live with the shame.

That's good news, I was starting to feel anonymous. I like a political thread. It then I manage not to personally attack people - hey, it's more fun disagreeing with them. If guitaristic thinks they're crap he doesn't have to read them.

Anyway, DM60, you're a right wing conservative arsehole.
I use FB as my bully pulpit. That way, I can 'unfriend' anyone who disagrees with me! :thumbs up:

I learned long ago that arguing with people on the internet about politics was a complete and total waste of time. It allows you to vent, or to feel morally superior, but it almost never changes anyone's mind, facts be damned, and there's better things to do in life.... like fapping to Miley Cyrus. :p
That's good news, I was starting to feel anonymous. I like a political thread. It then I manage not to personally attack people - hey, it's more fun disagreeing with them. If guitaristic thinks they're crap he doesn't have to read them.

Anyway, DM60, you're a right wing conservative arsehole.

I do tend to lean that way. But I am probably closer to libertarian, just not hard core libertarian. But thanks.
Yeah, I was just thinking out loud because I noticed more and more threads leaning towards politics, and those threads would have been killed right away a few months ago. Like I said, I don't have a problem with it. I actually find the partisanship laughable at best and pathetic at worst. Every 4 or 8 years, it's the exact same fucking thing, with everyone claiming "my corrupt, piece of shit scum bag is better that your piece of shit corrupt scum bag". We all know what the definition of insanity is. But, sure enough every couple of years, people do the same thing over and over again.

For me, it's a comedy show.....but it needs better writers. :D

Well, it is election season in the states, so it's probably on people's minds a bit more.