Bubba Watson to paint over Dukes of Hazzard car Confederate flag

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Come on, mate. You gotta admit that getting abolition was at least a step in the right direction.

Of course it was. I'm just saying that freeing the slaves didn't make them actually free. Blacks still had a very long, hard road ahead in "free" america, even up north. Especially up north. They got their own bathrooms and water fountains. Yay freedom!
Of course it was. I'm just saying that freeing the slaves didn't make them actually free. Blacks still had a very long, hard road ahead in "free" america, even up north. Especially up north. They got their own bathrooms and water fountains. Yay freedom!

I don't know enough about post civil war America to argue with you on this!

From the outside the USA doesn't seem greatly united and it does seem like a highly stratified society.
the gay marriage debate is fueled by Christian conservatives. For the most part, they oppose gay marriage because they are afraid that churches will be forced to perform same sex marriages or be bankrupted by ACLU lawsuits.
I have been saying that for years and the response has always been "That's not what they want, they just want the same rights, tax breaks, and privileges as traditional married couples".

I think they will go after churches and most churches will cease and desist from performing marriages all together.
What most are concerned with is the government's involvement in "marriage" which has always been seen (at least by clueless conservatives) as a God given covenant between a man and a woman before God. Again, we are probably on the losing side and history will record it as being anti-gay, but what the true story is, is we are anti-government-sticking-their-nose-in-where-it-don't-belong.
well ..... first off marriage has ALWAYS been a gov't institution .... if that weren't so then people would get married in their church and not worry about a license.
basically the legal part of marriage is a tax. It's simply a way for the gov't to charge for it when you have to apply for a lisence.

Secondly .... as 'Christians' ... why weren't these principled clerks and what-nots refusing to do divorces?
Not a peep out of them over that which the Bible flat out condemns.

As a Christian myself I have to pint out that Jesus (the guy we're supposed to follow ... Christian means 'Christ-like' ) ... anyway .... Jesus never said a word about homo-sexuality but he said a LOT about loving your fellow man regardless of his actions and he also said a LOT about not judging others.
So it looks very much like conservatives only use the Bible to support their already held beliefs and ignore it when it doesn't.
From the outside the USA doesn't seem greatly united and it does seem like a highly stratified society.

The USA is more politically and culturally divided than I've ever seen it in my lifetime. Even with multi-racial acceptance with the mindless millennial crowd, racial tensions and distrust runs wide and deep. It's still going to take a few generations before everyone is a brown-ish afro-latino white mutt with no kind of culture at all.
The world will probably be a better place for it. Although I am sure some twats will find another reason to hate eachother.

Maybe, maybe not. The problem with the browning of america is that white-ism is the big loser. I personally don't care. For now I will reap the rewards and enjoy the benefits of being born a cracker out of sheer luck. What happens after me is no concern of mine. But white culture, whatever that actually is, will die. White honkies still have the benefit of the doubt in pretty much every area of life, but the tides have turned long ago so that it's okay to be proud to be anything but white. If you're proud to be white, you're a racist.
Maybe, maybe not. The problem with the browning of america is that white-ism is the big loser. I personally don't care. For now I will reap the rewards and enjoy the benefits of being born a cracker out of sheer luck. What happens after me is no concern of mine. But white culture, whatever that actually is, will die.
Culture will just evolve, as it always has.

White honkies still have the benefit of the doubt in pretty much every area of life, but the tides have turned long ago so that it's okay to be proud to be anything but white. If you're proud to be white, you're a racist.
That's 'cos being proud to be white is being proud to be part of a privileged group; which is a bit gittish when you think about it. Being proud to be part of a group which is struggling against oppression doesn't have the same pompous snidey feeling, does it? (as a flag waving confedrate I am sure you understand!
well ..... first off marriage has ALWAYS been a gov't institution .... if that weren't so then people would get married in their church and not worry about a license.
basically the legal part of marriage is a tax. It's simply a way for the gov't to charge for it when you have to apply for a lisence.

Secondly .... as 'Christians' ... why weren't these principled clerks and what-nots refusing to do divorces?
Not a peep out of them over that which the Bible flat out condemns.

As a Christian myself I have to pint out that Jesus (the guy we're supposed to follow ... Christian means 'Christ-like' ) ... anyway .... Jesus never said a word about homo-sexuality but he said a LOT about loving your fellow man regardless of his actions and he also said a LOT about not judging others.
So it looks very much like conservatives only use the Bible to support their already held beliefs and ignore it when it doesn't.
Our pastor spoke to the congregation about same sex marriage...a few weeks before the SC made its ruling.
he said:
"Some have been asking me about the push for same-sex marriages. Some have said that we should perform marriges only for members of our church and put that in the church bylaws.
Here's what I have to say about this...because it is coming and we might as well decide how we as a church family are going to react to it.
Let's say we keep them out of our church. Well, then we will have to keep out the herosexual adulterers...won't we?
Then you have the alcoholics, better keep them out too...right?
what about the blasphemers? they should be kept out as well shouldn't they?
The liars and overweight gluttons need to be kept out too...
as well as the prideful and conceited people...right?
(he went on ti name many more like "greedy", "gossips " and "slanderers")
Freinds, when the dust settles the church will be empty and without a pastor because I, a sinner, will be banished from this church too.

We are ALL sinners and only by grace are we in fellowship with God. none of us are any better or any worse than the homosexuals we are speaking of. We should welcome them into our church and love them, offer any help to them they seek, give them the gospel, pray for them and hope they see Christ in us.
If you don't like this message get mad at God a because this is what He teaches....I'm just His servant and the one relaying His message.
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Culture will just evolve, as it always has.

That's 'cos being proud to be white is being proud to be part of a privileged group; which is a bit gittish when you think about it. Being proud to be part of a group which is struggling against oppression doesn't have the same pompous snidey feeling, does it? (as a flag waving confedrate I am sure you understand!
You just made the point for the south. While the south was oppressing slaves, they were being oppressed themselves by the north. That's what confederate flag loving southerners love about that damn flag. Not the slavery, their own fight back against being oppressed. No one is proud of slavery. They are proud of trying to fight for their way of life.

Maybe being "proud" to be white is the wrong term. It's more like being happy, or relieved to be white. No one should really be "proud" of their ethnicity because they had not a fucking thing to do with it.
Culture will just evolve, as it always has.

That's 'cos being proud to be white is being proud to be part of a privileged group; which is a bit gittish when you think about it. Being proud to be part of a group which is struggling against oppression doesn't have the same pompous snidey feeling, does it? (as a flag waving confedrate I am sure you understand!

So, should white people be ashamed of being white?
You just made the point for the south. While the south was oppressing slaves, they were being oppressed themselves by the north. That's what confederate flag loving southerners love about that damn flag. Not the slavery, their own fight back against being oppressed. No one is proud of slavery. They are proud of trying to fight for their way of life.

Maybe being "proud" to be white is the wrong term. It's more like being happy, or relieved to be white. No one should really be "proud" of their ethnicity because they had not a fucking thing to do with it.
Yeah, I know. That was intentional. I do understand your point of view. I just don't agree with it, given that I live in Wales I don't have that much reason to have an opinion in the first place.
Yeah, I know. That was intentional. I do understand your point of view. I just don't agree with it, given that I live in Wales I don't have that much reason to have an opinion in the first place.

Well that's fair. And keep in mind that while I am a southerner, I ultimately don't care what happens with that flag. My life will be neither improved or worsened by whatever happens. But I'd hate to see it go away as an idiotic knee-jerk reaction just because some black people got shot by a white nerd. The mindless overreaction by retail and media outlets is already off the charts. That flag had nothing to do with one white loser killing some black people.
Of course not you fucking simpleton.
you're the simpleton.
Don't be ashamed but don't be proud?
I wasn't seeking an answer to the question...I just posed the question as sarcasm to your assinine previous post.
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