EVH rips into DLR while on tour.

van halen's glory days are long gone, I am actually a big fan of them, even the Hagar days stuff, but they need to stop bitching about being millionaires and things not going quite right...they made it but it's not enough for eddie.
Well, they had to get a new singer because Dave can't get the fucking job done anymore.

If you pay top dollar to see a rock band they should be able to perform the material. Nobody should have to pay to see David Lee Roth humiliate himself like that.

So they should get a DLR clone who can get the job done, or they should hang it up and call it a day as VH.

Rush is driving me nuts for the same reason. Geddy Lee cannot sing anymore. His voice is 100% shot.
I couldn't stand his voice even when he "could" sing...but music-wise, they are solid.

They're my favorite rock band, and even I am ready for a fake Geddy. Fuck, you could even call it something other than Rush. But the whole production is pre-recorded, piped-in and fake feeling and quite the opposite of what I consider the Rush "ethos".

Look at what Journey did. Or Queen with Adam Lambert.
I'd suggest Rush get the singer from Budgie in to replace Geddy except that Bourke Shelley had a heart attack last year, (still gigging relentlessly at 67 will do that to you I'm told), and has had to stop gigging. Here's his Rush audition tape though...
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You can rock at 60...but there's a way to do it with some mature sense of "cool" or whatever you want to call it...rather than *trying* to do it like you did when you were 20.

There's a lot of older players that can still pull that off well. The ones who are comfortable in their older skin, and who don't appear like they're just clinging to yesteryear.

Rocking at 60 should be done in a chair with the appropriate moniker...

They're my favorite rock band, and even I am ready for a fake Geddy. Fuck, you could even call it something other than Rush. But the whole production is pre-recorded, piped-in and fake feeling and quite the opposite of what I consider the Rush "ethos".

Look at what Journey did. Or Queen with Adam Lambert.

Still think Queen would have been better off wth Marc what-his-name from Canada. Sounded like Freddy, played piano, even looked somewhat like him...
Don't know why people knock Queen. Had some really good music before they went commercial. Sheer Heart, II, even some of News of the World.
I'm so, so, so very glad my beloved Ramones never got to this point. I was bummed when they quit but it made perfect sense. They retired as a band in their 40s because they explicitly did not want to be like this - old, pathetic, and unable to perform up to their own standards. They went out at the top of their game at the most lucrative time of their career. But they knew the writing was on the wall and pulled the plug before it got embarrassing.
Personally I like to see players that evolve. If I thought a band I like were gonna just try and do the stuff they did in 70's and 80's I'd likely pass the option of a ticket. I want to see were they are musically now.
Don't know why people knock Queen. Had some really good music before they went commercial. Sheer Heart, II, even some of News of the World.

Nothing sets my teeth on edge like Brian May's multitracked lead guitar. Having recently suffered through most of their catalogue in my car out of curiosity, all their albums generally only had a handful of good songs. It's all dated very badly, for mine, and the hagiographic treatment of F. Mercury is way over the top.

Queen's 1st 3 or maybe 4, no three, albums rock nicely and aren' OD'd to death PLUS the songs were stronger. They were good at the Horden in '76 because they played as a quartet and the one tricky guitar part was done with 3 or 4 delay pedals.
Why? There were loads technically better and what did he do that was original?

Who at that time was "technically better"? And if there were some technically better, they surely did not count as "loads" of people. Remember this was mid 70s. Most rock guitarists were still playing tired ass blues rock licks over and over. This was an era where Ace Frehley, Ted Nugent, and Peter Frampton were "guitar gods". No one was doing what Eddie was doing. The way Jimi blew minds in the 60s, Eddie blew minds in the 70s. He took noodle wanking to a whole new level that re-set the bar for that kind of guitar playing.
To clarify the timeline Vh was rocking LA for about 3 or 4 years before the world ever heard on Van Halen ..Their first album was released in February of 1978 so very late 70's..

"Technically better" is subjective..

The only other guitar players that come to mind that are even close to Eddie in 78 IMO were Randy Rhodes, Steve Vai and Joe Satriani...Steve Howe of Yes

A ton of other Rock guitarist that were great in their own way, Rory Galagher ( damn he was magical) , Alvin Lee to name a few..

Eddie was definitely at the top of the game and brought tapping and a few other tricks and styles to the game......... as far as an influence on future guitarist he is most likely second only to Jimi for that era.

I don't remember how many years he won it but it was multiple times he was awarded guitarist of the year by Guitar Magazine.

As far as this thread goes it is about what he said about Dave which has nothing to do with how great a guitar player he was / is...and he was / is a bad ass guitarist and song writer..

But his statement IMO wasn't really ripping Dave ...just pointing out an obvious truth

“Roth’s perception of himself is different than who he is in reality."

And his opinion of how he would prefer Dave to represent himself while on stage with VH “We’re not in our 20s anymore. We’re in our 60s. Act like you’re 60.

Really wasn't all that big of a rip. Just a "damn, wish he'd get a clue"
I like what Eddie said about not listening to music. I can relate. I sometimes go long periods of not listening to anything, or only listening to projects I'm personally involved with. I'm not constantly on the hunt for new music. I'm fine just listening to what I always listen to, or just make my own.