EVH rips into DLR while on tour.

Eddie is as full of s**t as Dave is. Talking about how he showed Michael Anthony notes. So how did Wolfgang learn/know how to play them? Dad taught him, that is how.

As far as I am concerned, Eddie has more ego that all the rest combined. Sammy (I am not a Sammy fan), came to the band already with his place in music cemented (Ronnie Montrose, Rock the Nation). He comes to VH and he has nothing to prove. I think Eddie is delusional.

Dave is just looking for a paycheck and knows the people want to see what they want to see. He does what is required of a front man. Play the old crap like people remember. Nothing new here.
I found this line funny too:

“It’s hard, because there are four people in this band, and three of us like rock ’n’ roll. And one of us likes dance music,” he says. “And that used to kind of work, but now Dave doesn’t want to come to the table.”


Hey...at this stage of the game there's no misconceptions that they are all just doing it for the $$$ and that the point is to give people what they expect. I mean, they're not going to break any new ground...so just play the fucking songs like any good cover band, and entertain the people.
I saw Dave several years back on the Sam and Dave tour... I thought the exact same thing that Eddie said...Dude......You're not 28 and in your prime anymore..He was trying to be be Dave the kid...not reality ..at the time @ 50 year old Dave... He was still trying to pull off the same old teeny bopper / lady killer schtick..IMO it would benefit him to try and figure out who Dave the 60 year old is ... he could take a cue from Mick or Rod and do well with it
If all these old bands want to stay on the road performing their old songs, they better be doing it the same way they always have. That's what people pay to see. It's like a Broadway play that has been running for 50 years; same songs, same dances, etc.

If EVH wants to grow up and be an adult, he should play adult music.
True. The audience wants to see not the current "grown up" Van Halen, but their own romantic vision of what the band used to be.
As to the Eddie shit talking about Dave, well, par for the course. It also helps keep the band in the limelight.
Hell, we're talking about them.
If EVH wants to grow up and be an adult, he should play adult music.

Totally agree. Like someone else mentioned, he's just playing covers of his own songs from 35 years ago. I wonder how many Gary Cherone era songs are in their set? No one wants to hear that. They want to hear Unchained for the 50 billionth time.

I acknowledge that EVH is an all-time-great influential guitarist that has influenced millions of crappy clones of himself, but I think he's wrong about "acting 60". They're all fucking 60. He better play and act like he's still 25. No one wants to see their heroes all old and feeble. Would he tell the Rolling Stones to act 60? Maybe he would, but no one really complains about them because they're not crappy shells of their former glory. KISS and Bruce Springsteen are nostalgia acts that still bring it pretty well live. Apparently VH is a trainwreck of bad playing and technical glitches. The poor nostalgic people that pay to see VH now want to see the high kicking, spandex tights, feminine acting half-gay-ish David Lee Roth of 1982. It's bad enough that he cannot sing at all, but now he has to also "act 60"? Lol.
I predict this tour will be another train wreck. DLR has to stop that stupid smile, it's not only fake, it's creepy.
I call bullshit on the acting like an adult / playing adult music idea..

Though the songs were written and performed at a very young age originally...it's still the same musicians..Did they have a sex appeal then that they don't have now...sure..were they more hip and slick then? yep...They're the same dudes just older.. As a 60 something old rocker I can play just as well as I could when I was 20, actually, significantly better.

I can still rock my old tunes but I don't have the long hair ( hell I'm lucky to still have some hair )and I'm not going to wear the same clothes that were the fashion of 1970.

VH can go out and rock their songs pretty damn well ..the weakest link is Dave's voice which is good to a point ..then yikes...I've seen it and it is what it is..

BB King went on to play on stage sitting in a freeking chair and still sold out shows
Ray Charles killed it on stage to the grave
Buddy Rich the same
The Stones still put on a great show and they're in their 70's
Mark Farner still kills it

I get Eddie's point as I saw it and was kind of embarrassed for Dave...Kind of making a fool out of himself up there...

If you're going to a VH show in 2015 you're delusional if you think you're going to see the 1970's / 80's VH on stage...

Only Dave knows what is going on in his mind but from an outsider point of view it kind of looks like he's still trying to be the sex symbol mach man he was in 1980...that ain't happening no matter how hard he tries.

IMO ( which is worth diddly ) Dave needs to get comfortable being a 60 year old Dave and hang up the "hey ain't I the shit" schtick..It was all a put on ...but it worked 35 years ago..it don't anymore.
I certainly don't need to see the same old act they were putting on in 1979 or 1984. Seen it enough. Same with Dave's freakish smile and strutting. Some good new songs and maybe revamping the old ones would be more interesting, but that's not likely to happen.
Chickenfoot on the other hand, which happens to have two former members of VH, rocks hard! You'd never know by their performance that they were all in a similar age group. Then again, they have fresh songs and the only songs they do from early times are covers which they project new life and energy onto.

I hate to say it but VH are has beens. Should have retired years ago when they were on top of the world.
Exactly. Their songs were great when I was in my 20s. I don't want to hear that crap anymore. Gimme something new.
Eddie was a brilliant guitarist, but I never liked the band even in their peak.

Him going the way of hendrix would have been the best thing for his musical legacy, rather than the world watching him and his band crash and burn and turn into hollow shells of their former selves.
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Him going the way of hendrix

Lol! So you think he should have died young? :laughings:

I don't like Van Halen, the band, at all. Not even a little. That shit is lame ass buttrock suckage. But I don't wish any of them were dead.
I dont wish that on him or anyone else.
Just saying that IF that had happened his legacy would have had him immortalized as one of the greats.
A more sensible life affirming way out would have been to retire at the top of his game.
But neither happened so we have the burnouts. Even hardcore fans are bummed.
You can rock at 60...but there's a way to do it with some mature sense of "cool" or whatever you want to call it...rather than *trying* to do it like you did when you were 20.

There's a lot of older players that can still pull that off well. The ones who are comfortable in their older skin, and who don't appear like they're just clinging to yesteryear.