Doubling Vocals

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I don't know if it was mentioned because I'm not re-reading this disaster of a thread, but I find that for me it's best to not have both vocal tracks at the same level. I double vocals pretty frequently. I don't do it all the time, but I do do it. I don't care about being exactly the same on each take. As long as timing and pitch are good, it's good. Then I choose which track I like better and make that the main vocal track.The other is blended in with it at a much lower level just as a "thickener". No big deal.

That's what I mentioned a bunch of pages ago (someone else had said it before me), and pretty much got shot down by others.
That's what I mentioned a bunch of pages ago (someone else had said it before me), and pretty much got shot down by others.

Well fuck em then.

Regardless of the OP and his fragile ego-maniacal ramblings, this is a worthwhile discussion of a good vocal tracking trick. And as always, like with everything else, double tracking vocals is better than the shitty copy/paste/shift "technique".
I don't do double-tracked vocals often....but when I do, I like having one take that has maybe more intensity in the vocal delivery, and then the other a little less, and even backed away form the mic a bit.
Then when combining them, you get a nice layer, and you can adjust the level balance to taste...either equal or one track pulled back.

The whole point is in the differences of the two and not trying to so much to nail two near identical takes where each vowel and breath is perfectly matched.
Regardless of the OP and his fragile ego-maniacal ramblings, this is a worthwhile discussion.

Like I said earlier, double tracking is done A LOT, almost as much as "all the time", but nit quite.

RobertPlant did it in Zep a lot.

Ian Gillan did it in Deep Purple a lot.

Nirvana, The Beatles,.....all these bands doubled vocals all over the place. Sometimes, it was tucked in, and often the 2 tracks are just as loud as each other.

It's no more a "cop out" than doubling your rythm guitar. It's done because it sounds good.
Go give Bruce a call then. :)

Why you being so difficult? It's not like we're trying to solve the world's starvation problems here. FFS, it's doubling vocals.

People generally don't get this upset over trying to figure out how to do something, unless they are butt hurt that despite all the advice and practice, they STILL can't do it.

The fact that you seem to be expecting someone else to solve your problems leads me to believe you're not as experienced as you'd like us all to think.

If people could create a formula for art and the exact technique they used for each piece, don't you think everyone would just follow this formula and replicate the exact sound all the time? How boring would that be by the way...

How well the vocals fit together is not only down to skill but it's the artist's personal feeling and emotion to the music. That's the magic behind all art.

Figure it out for yourself I say. If you're missing the magic ingredient that you desire in your vocals, and it doesn't sound how you want it to, it's your fault.

You've received some really good advice on here, stop being insolent.

Who asked you to solve my problems? I asked how people accomplished it, what I got was it was my skill and my inexperience. No, its how do YOU do it, thats what I asked. If you give me smack about its my lack of talent, then I listen to the samples that you bravely(admittedly) supply. And then I know my question was not going to be answered
I don't even understand what this guy is so argumentative about. Seriously, what's the problem here?

Well I had forgotten about the thread, then i realized some weasels restarted it, thinking they could prove to the rest of the forum that they were right, and I wouldnt respond. I got pms from various people who are agree but are chicken sht to speak up
Well, he obviously thought this was a drop-in center where you ask questions, get immediate answers, and are given the talent you wish you had. A typical talentless loser.

Its not a drop in center where you ask questions? What the hell is it then? Someplace you hang out and pretend like you are professional engineers?
Something you do to kill time? What the hell is the point of posting here if you dont want to exchange ideas? Again, calling me talentless when you post your music is courageous of you, not particuarly smart though. Besides talent is not even the issue here
Well I had forgotten about the thread, then i realized some weasels restarted it, thinking they could prove to the rest of the forum that they were right, and I wouldnt respond. I got pms from various people who are agree but are chicken sht to speak up

Ah yes, the "secret support" defense. Well if that's true, it's interesting on a few levels. On one level, you've potentially insulted your alleged supports by labeling them as "chickens". On another level, you've aligned yourself with cowards that are too scared to speak their mind. Neither scenario is a good look.

Still, why are you so angry? You asked a question, you got answers.
Besides talent is not even the issue here

Hey've been dragging an AWFUL big chip on your shoulder about your talents in this post it up.

AFA your questions and our got a boat-full...and none of them were to your liking and your expertise. :rolleyes:
I don't even understand what this guy is so argumentative about. Seriously, what's the problem here?

Because its annoying, and Ive gotten a number of pms from people who say im 100% right. If you suck you suck thats fine, if you dont know you suck and think other people do and give advice, then it becomes problematic. doesnt it bother anyone that their wrong information stays here as a resource for other people to LEARN?
From what I can gather (without going back and re-reading the whole thing), it seems this fella asked a question, the answers weren't in line with his expectations based on his 'knowledge' so he decided the respondees weren't professional or of a high enough calibre to be providing advice to Him and so He's being argumentative and insulting.

Well you gather wrong, you have been gathering alot of stuff, and its all wrong. Stop gathering
Because its annoying, and Ive gotten a number of pms from people who say im 100% right. If you suck you suck thats fine, if you dont know you suck and think other people do and give advice, then it becomes problematic. doesnt it bother anyone that their wrong information stays here as a resource for other people to LEARN?

If it's annoying, then simply go elsewhere. If everyone here sucks and knows nothing, then why are you wasting your time here? There's lots of other recording sites.
This dude is reading straight from the internet superhero handbook. Defiance, arguments, butthurt, secret PM support, bashing others' music, all that's really left is the profane meltdown and exit.
IAgain, calling me talentless when you post your music is courageous of you, not particuarly smart though. Besides talent is not even the issue here
HAHA! I knew you'd go there, I called it a few posts ago. :D

No, what's not very smart is you coming in here with a chip on your shoulder, being an arrogant prick, and NOT posting any of YOUR music. So, you're a coward, too.

Anyone can claim they're getting PM's in support of what they're saying. I call bullshit. If people did send you PM's, you wouldn't be calling them chickens. So, you're a liar, completely insecure, full of shit, and too chicken to post any of your music, while claiming that everyone else sucks. Typical internet coward.
He doesn't have the talent to do something, so he's blaming everyone else for not giving him the "secret". Loser.

No I figured out pretty quickly you didnt have a secret, I mean besides that you are all wannabes and think you are professionals. At this point it's about not taking any crap, which you pretend to not be dishing out, but not fooling anybody.

Nobody has even attempted to answer without fingerpointing, and now your responses are again MY fault.
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