The pro piracy thread

I'm starting a pro rape thread, I think you're on to something with this coming out against morality thing. After all, who's really getting hurt..... they just won't admit they enjoy it, but I know they do. I only rape rich silicon valley women, cause , you know, they deserve it.
Wow, this thread's been dragged up from the dead!

When you pay £100 for Reason etc the 20c for the cd/box or whatever isn't really a factor in the price though, is it? By your logic, if you buy a VST by download, then the profit margin is infinite - it ignores the fact that there's a huge team of designers, programmers etc who have created the product. These guys don't work for free, so they surely account for a fair whack of that retail price.

You're conflating duty and product development, so the analogy with 18th century coffee doesn't really work. I think the price is pretty fair - 20 years ago you couldn't buy a fraction of a home recording setup for anything like that price. Now for about £200 you can be up and running, producing work of good recording quality. That's incredible.

BTW, why do you need Reason, Ableton and Cubase - if you can't get the hang of Reason, why not just use one of the other two? All three will produce the same outcome. I'd concentrate on getting competent on one and not just half familiar with three.
Lol, is that really how you see it ? :facepalm:

Not very long, and I'm guessing you'll be out with it too :)
maybe but I think it's a reasonable POV ..... that software designers charge too much.
I'm not saying they do or don't ..... I just think that it's a legitimate subject.

I don't personally use much of any software other than Windows 7 which came on my puter.
But I don't record to a puter ..... don't listen to music on one ....... don't store or manipulate photos in one.
I have no dog in this hunt so I'll just sit back and watch the righteousness flow.
I wish that I had had the chance to read Chrisulrich's post before the hammer came down. :(

The thing about piracy is that IT'S NOT ALL BAD. Yeah, I said it. And it's not all done maliciously by cheap people that don't want to pay for things. Right now, as most of you know, there are HUGE battles being fought in the name of Fair Use, IP rights, etc. Granted, most of the media attention about the topic of piracy surrounds the film and music industries but I think that this problem spills out across the board and affects every single person that uses a computer for almost any purpose. The whole topic has become polarized to the extreme, with the result being that as one side of the 'fence' pushes hard in one direction, the other side pushes back just the same. This means that as "Anti-Pirate" sentiment and punishment gets tougher, the "Pro-Pirate" side upps it's ante (as well as it's ubiquity) and just like the stereotypical american teenager, she rebels against authority and engages a in life of crime.

Question: How many ppl do you know that live outside the law in some way or another? I'll bet that the vast majority of people under 40 in Canada and the U.S. are doing so thru the means of cracked software, illegally DL'd MP3s, films, smoking weed or what-have-you. Criminality is becoming THE NORM. With this argument, how can one blame a kid for downloading a torrent of ProTools and Waves plugs? They see no problem with it. It's the way it goes and it's natural. Maybe what we should be paying closer attention to are our ideas of criminality and the laws that we have in place to deal with it. Are we all criminals, or has the law gotten stuck in a loop while society is beginning to move in a way that goes beyond the current law format?

I respect those companies that have provided me with software; those bands and filmmakers that have provided me with hours and hours of entertainment but I'm not going to lie - I didn't pay for absolutely everything that I've used over the last 5 years. But I did make a contribution to society in other ways: I SHARE**. You might ask, "In the end, what's more important?" But I say, can we even qualify a question like that? Personally, I think that our obsession with monetizing every tiny instance of something will only further increase the gap between the two sides of this discussion. When copies of things get pirated, we should chalk them up to advertising costs and start looking at new and innovative ways to monetize the grander whole. I'll bet that 70% of the instances of REAPER that are downloaded are NEVER registered... just sayin'.

Anyway, that's my rant. I think this is a HUGE topic that will be discussed over and over again until we all find a middle ground and just deal with it. Ultimately, my stance on it is that we shouldn't be bringing the hammer down on every person that uses pirated goods. We should find other, more constructive ways to get our points across because extremism only leads to further extremism.

**When I say I share, I mean the fruits of my own labour. I give away the music I create; I do not personally charge for concerts; I volunteer my time to help create apps for Android and do remote tech service online; I teach guitar for free. All this has paid off in innumerable ways through reputation, access, DONATIONS, and just general awesome vibeness. I feel that this goes much further than just a few dollars would - especially once that money has passed through the hands of several levels of beaurocracy. Don't get me wrong - I'm no super hippy or socialist mercenary. But I do see that things are changing around us - and fast - so we're all either gonna have to take that dump or get off the pot.

BTW, I did pay for my copy of REAPER, in case any of you were wondering. ;)
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FTR I subscribe to a few Brit music mags...they always come with free DVDs with samples, tutorials etc

Ive seen two top producers appear in these tutorials using cracked software

1) do the mags not check this shit? and

2) these folks make money of music...that's plain wrong

the rest I don't care about, I can afford my gear, many can't, and I'm not going to be the one to judge them.
He did have a point in his thread. Though, allowing someone to share cracked software to anyone who would help him use it, which he offered, cannot be allowed here. Not because of personal morals of the mods or admin, but this site would not exist without advertisers. They in the end, are the underlying reason that direct sharing or admission of using such is frowned upon here.

And by the way, only a warning was given, stating the way things like that are dealt with on this site, along with deletion of the post. No ban hammer was swung. There are no set rules on determining how we deal with such offenses. My feeling on it, is that a warning should always be given first. People say dumb sh!t. I have been there. Dood gets a chance from me.

At the bottom of this page, 'Forum Rules', this info can be found. As well as in the 'Terms Of Use'.
Software piracy is as bad as pedophilia and automotive theft, with murder on top :mad:

Thats a pretty huge leap there, man. I think given the choices, most ppl would rather have their software pirated than to be carjacked and have their kid raped and killed.

...or maybe that's just me. *shrug*
Thats a pretty huge leap there, man. I think given the choices, most ppl would rather have their software pirated than to be carjacked and have their kid raped and killed.

...or maybe that's just me. *shrug*

no piracy is exactly the same as car theft, peadophilia, murder, and nazi war crimes!!
Thats a pretty huge leap there, man. I think given the choices, most ppl would rather have their software pirated than to be carjacked and have their kid raped and killed.

...or maybe that's just me. *shrug*

If given choices, yes, I would agree. The problem is, all of the fore mentioned crimes are a form of theft. Whether it be belongings or innocence, it is still the same wrong doing that takes from another that one does not have the right to do. If I were to allow my son to download the crack of 'Massive' (which he did and was grounded for it), I would be giving him the ok to start stealing. He lost his FL Studio recording rig for two weeks. He gets it back tomorrow, along with the paid download of Massive. Ever had you car stereo stolen? Feels like a violation. Stealing from a manufacturer who put their time and money into a product, is the same as taking from you own kids IMO.
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Anyway, this thread should probably be killed, don't you think? It's pretty much entrapment.

It probably should have been killed long ago. If others wish for it to be terminated then cool. I do not care to judge what another man does in the privacy of his own life. Spreading ones opinions to deal in illegal activities on this site however, will not last long.
If given choices, yes, I would agree. The problem is, all of the fore mentioned crimes are a form of theft. Whether it be belongings or innocence, it is still the same wrong doing that takes from another that one does not have the right to do. If I were to allow my son to download the crack of 'Massive' (which he did and was grounded for it), I would be giving him the ok to start stealing. He lost his FL Studio recording rig for two weeks. He gets it back tomorrow, along with the paid download of Massive. Ever had you car stereo stolen? Feels like a violation. Stealing from a manufacturer who put their time and money into a product, is the same as taking from you own kids IMO.

Your sons using massive? for what?

I have some deadly patches for massive ;)
Thats a pretty huge leap there, man. I think given the choices, most ppl would rather have their software pirated than to be carjacked and have their kid raped and killed.

...or maybe that's just me. *shrug*

oh I was joking just in case lol

its not even the same as stealing a banana
Stealing a bannannnna! No!!!!!!!

I believe you were the one that recommended Massive, when I asked about my 17 year old wanting to be Skrillex, while he is quite the drummer, and has a quite substantial studio in his basement. He showed no interest in playing drums anymore, so I bought him a midi keyboard, FL Studio, a new PC, and Massive. Oh and headphones, cuz man, that guy don't know when to shut off his sub! lol!

I would love it if you would share some deadly patches!