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Volume II Status

Page Updated: 7:06PM 8/22/03 MST

Expected Release Date: RELEASED AUGUST 22nd!

Funds: ~$200 (not necessarily current)

For a complete listing of all Comp CD account transactions and balances, click here (requires acrobat reader).

Submission Status

Submissions: 40 - FINAL
Total Size: 1587.75 MB

Submitters: Aaron Cheny, Alchuck, bdbdbuck, Beezelbubba, BOYDRJ, Brad, camn, Chibi Nappa, Chris Shaeffer, ChuckU, DaveO, David Artis, dobro, drstawl, dtb, Emeric, flat-9, foo, Gidge, Jagular, Jamal Bucket, James Argo, jcmm, LI Slim, LiquidBronze, Lopp, MISTERQCUE, muzeman, regebro, RWhite, scottboyner, Shakey Tee, Slackmaster2k, sluice, Toki987, Tucci, Vicevursa, Voxvendor, WATYF, jake-owa

Vendor List

The following are vendors that I've used during the production of Volume II. I'm only including vendors that I've actually gotten product from. A tip: a lot of these companies have discounts for volume. Sometimes you can save a lot by ordering "101" units instead of just "100" units.

Product Vendor Comments
CD Manufacture and Booklet/Tray printing QCA, Inc. I cannot say enough about this company - THEY ARE FANTASTIC. The price we got on these CDs was so good that I wasn't sure if this company was for real or not. The CDs turned out looking and sounding really good - aside from a very minor screening flaw here and there (only noticable on very close inspection). The booklets and tray liners came out great too, although we just had them laser printed. Good turnaround, good people, and the best prices I was able to find. Amazing. Four stars!
Jewel Cases XDR2 These guys were great. They sent us a free sample and the units we received were identical to that sample. High quality jewel cases at cheapo prices. Packaged well, none broken during shipping. Note that ordering in quantities > 100 might require that you assemble them. I ordered 100 and they came all assembled.
CD Mailers Paper Mart Not a huge selection of mailers but what they do have are really nice. Easy ordering, no problems, great price.
Round Labels BuyLabelsOnline All I ordered from these guys were a thousand little green round labels. Originally for another purpose, my wife came up with the idea to use them to secure the CDs inside the jewel cases during shipping - pretty cool!
Order Processing
Hailed by the anti-paypal crowd. I found this company to be completely worthless. Absolutely not recommened. Terrible support and a buggy product.
Order Processing
Yeah yeah, we all hate paypal...but for the purposes of this project it worked out very well. I'm actually very satisfied.



HomeRecording.Comp Volume II is officially released today!!! It looks and sounds really great!

Encourage friends and family members to order so that we can get on with the real reason we made the CD - to help fund the BBS and to expose the world to our music (poor, poor world....haha).


CD's are currently in manufacture, and are in fact shipping to me right now! After they arrive I'll just be waiting on the artwork to come back. Manufacture has taken longer than expected, hence the release date has been pushed back to the 15th.

Oh, in case you're wondering, I decided to have the artwork printed up by QCA instead of trying to handle it locally. The price was right and it saves me a ton of work and time.


Sorry I haven't posted an update in some time...there just hasn't been much to tell. The discs are being compiled by Ed right now, and he thinks he can ship them back to me tomorrow.

We're right on schedule for the August 1 release!

The funds document above is not up to date.


Ok, the CD's were sent to Ed last week. He should have them by now or very soon! I haven't had much time to work on this project during the past week so not much to report. The replacement insert paper should be here this week. I guess last Thursday my wife and I did work on artwork a little bit...did some test printing and found a few issues to correct. Things are looking pretty good overall!

I don't have updated numbers on our funds right now, but you can add maybe 50-100 to the grand total. Not too shabby. I believe I'm supposed to be expecting a few more mail orders soon too.

The turnaround time for duplication at QCA is 12-15 days after approving a label proof. Thus I suppose I need to have the artwork all prepared by July 1. I think we're going to make the August 1 deadline!!!


Minor setbacks. First, I ordered the wrong tray liners so that ate 30 bucks, but I'll cover it. Ordered the right ones tonight and I'll use the wrong ones for test prints. Second, I still haven't made those CD's to send to Ed. Get a move on you slacker! Third, I had to spend $50 on ink cartridges to do test prints for verifying templates and colors.

The good news - I worked more on the CD artwork tonight and am almost done. I just have to verify a few things with a local printer before I go sending them off to the manufacturer. My wife made more progress on the front and back covers and they're looking really nice.


I think I have everything in now. All submissions, all contracts, etc. Funds are looking great, keep the preorders coming in! Today I am getting all the tracks ready to send to Ed so he can do the arrangement and final CD masters. I'll mail them out tomorrow. This will also be a good test of our new jewel cases and chubby mailers.

Note, as of today the available funds figure is correct, but the account balances will read $250 low because a paypal transfer has left paypal but is not showing up at my bank yet.


Ok, sorry for not posting a status update in a while, but I've been out of town, and now my wife and I are trying to buy a house...what a process! Blech. Anyhow...

Everything is in to make up the first 100 units. I'm going to be shipping CD's of all the submissions to Ed this week, and hopefully he'll get them back to me all in order without too much delay. I got a mess of pre-orders last week and we're very close to having the necessary funds to meet the August 1 deadline.

Oh, and I haven't forgotten about making up a list of vendors I've used so far (for those of you looking for recommendations for your personal projects). I've had a lot of good luck with the vendors my wife found, both in price and service. I'll get to that when I can. The inserts and tray liners look like they'll be great...more professional than "neato" and "fellows" products, at a much lower price.


Not much else happening yet. Got a couple more pre-orders here and there, so that's good!

ignition is now hosting our mp3 samples because of some problem with hr.com's mime configuration. Thanks! Updated that this evening.


Ok, things are kind of stalled at the moment. Not in a bad way though...this is just breather time while we wait for pre-orders. Remember I had originally planned on waiting until June 1 for all international submissions to come in anyhow.

Today I got the Visa check card for the comp cd account, so I ordered enough jewel cases, chubby mailers, inserts & tray labels, stickers (you'll see), and spine labels (you'll see) to make up 100 units. I'll update the funds document above when it all posts to the account. Basically I'm going to order up enough stuff and save enough to print 100 units before I even THINK about replication. Just feels better to do it this way....replication is the big "known" in this case - the easy part.

We really are stuck though. While I have no doubt that we'll make it fine, I do need your help to drum up some pre-orders. Do whatever you can!


Updated the order page - added a little blurb, moved the picture to the top, added mp3 audio clips.

No word back yet from StormPay, if they don't respond soon I'm not going to use their service.


We're now accepting STORMPAY as an alternative to PayPal for those who are against PayPal for whatever reasons. However, Stormpay isn't accepting us yet :) There is a bug in their PHP shopping cart code. I have notified them of the problem and I'm assuming they'll have it fixed soon if they're worth a damn.

My wife put together a supplies list with best price costing to make up a total of 100 shippable units. Looks like we'll just need ~$300 over the replication costs to get started. We're very close to that now.

I think I'm going to call it on submissions sooner than expected. We might be ready before August 1!

Got some samples coming in of various products.

More work on the database to get it ready for the orders coming up.

Dragon got our banners up finally!


My wife has good leads on jewel cases and several other items. She's been working very hard to find the best prices and the best quality. She's been requesting samples so that we know what we'll be getting.

We're going to try to shrink wrap this sucker and put the bar code label on a sticker on the shrink wrap. I might be able to snag an impact sealer from work and shrink bags are really cheap...plus I can donate a ton of avery labels that we'll never use. We're also planning a nifty suprise to include with each CD...but until I know if it's feasible I'm not saying anything else!

I got my database a little bit more prepared for the big orders that I'm sure will be coming (please!), and I've posted an acrobat report detailing all HR accounts and their current balances. I will update this report in a timely manner. (it's up at the top of this page if you're wondering)

My wife also verified QCA as a legitimate company. I definately want to use them for the manufacture.


Real quote came in from QCA, and I think we'll have them do the replication. It's just $1.21 per CD and $36 shipping - no other hidden fees except a possible 10% overrun (or 10% underrun for that matter)...but we're still charged per actual disc so it wouldn't be a ripoff! My wife is going to look into this company to make sure they're legit. They definately appear to be, and I found them on a "recommended manufacturers" site somewhere. The saleswoman sounded intelligent, which is more than I can say from the other quotes that came in. At such low quantities I think we are VERY lucky. That's 0.02 more than duping...haha, not bad!

I'm really going to need pre-orders soon.

Barcode came in from Indie Records, along with their label. Looks good to me! Also included was a form for reporting to nielson :)

Decided that we have to use chubby jewel cases. My wife is pricing the cases, mailers, and shrink wrap, and printing as I write this.

My wife finished some of the long skinny banner ads and I've sent them to dragon. Hmmm....she's doing more than me today!


Ok we hit the 3CD mark. Now we learn to cope. I think we can still do real CD's. I've got a couple quotes from replicators who can do units at $1.21-$1.25 each, which isn't much more than CDR (which would run $1.19 each). Only difference is that we start with a quantity of 300 sets. I think we can do this!

Barcode was ordered tonight from Independent Records. $20

Spent lots of time looking for jewel cases. The 3CD slim jewel cases I was looking at aren't going to work because they have no spine. We may simply have to learn to deal with chubbies.

My wife was working on some great looking banner ads for the CD pre-order tonight! Hope to get them to Dragon ASAP.


We are running long and are just about to hit the 3CD mark. Damn. I'm asking replicators if they can do 77-80 minute disks. I know both mine and Emeric's submissions are short so we might make it.

I submitted 5 quote requests tonight to various CD manufacturers. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be able to get 500 sets made for around $1100-1200, but I asked for a discount if I put their logo on the back of the CD somewhere. I'm also hoping that they'll be able to do >74 minute CD's.

We're going to get an official barcode for the CD by releasing it under the Independent Records label. Now they're not acutally "releasing" anything, they just add us to their "catalog" and we give them 20 bucks. This will make the CD as real as it gets, we can even report sales to Soundscan...haha!

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