Zoom MRS 1266


New member

I have some questions about the Zoom MRS 1266.

I will use an external Behringer MX2642A console to add some EQ on the sorce before getting them "on track". But the EQ is just three band with variable mid.

1. Do anybody of you have any experience with the Insert effect Module EQ on the Zoom? The manual says "three or five band EQ" but nothing about the frequenzes... And the two band EQ is just for mixdown AFTER recording right?

2. When creating backups with USB cable to computer or burning down on a CD with the built in CD writer, should I create a backup AFTER adding the effects, EQ and compression BEFORE bouncing or mixdown? If so, I can go back and change the settings if I'm not sattisfied, right?

3. Any ideas about the Zoom's compressor? I can't seem to find all the traditional parameters (like threshold, attack, release and so on) in the manual...

We will record the drums and two guitars live on the first 6 tracks (throughthe Behringer) and then add some vocals, guitar licks, maybe a tambourine etc, so we're gonna have to do some bouncing in between.

My idea is to record everything as "dry" as possible and then add effects and compression later during mixdown, but the EQ is an important thing during recording (see my other thread "Garage sounding drums").


The amp and mic inserts and mastering algorithms have three band eqs. Zoom doesn't specify the frequencies, just high, mid, low. These will be recorded, when tracking through the algorithms or during mix down, if an algorithm is selected. Each track has two band eq, you select the freq. for each band. This eq is only recorded during mix down and if the track is bounced.

The compression on the Zoom isn't very good. Attack, sensitivity and mix are the controls. Attack works like any other compressor. Sensitivity is the threshold and mix is the makeup gain. I would recommend getting a better quality, outboard compressor, like the FMR RNC.

I can't help with question #2. Try the yahoo 1266 forum.
