Zalman Cpu Cooler

lurgan liar

Jimmy Page XXVIII
Hey guys i replaced my old heatsink with one of these and the differnce is unbelieveable... my computer used to sound like a lawn mower.

can anyone suggest a solution to my next problem ...

i believe it must be my HDD - it is making like a vroom vroom noise ... its a samsung 250 Gb drive.

If i could get rid of this noise i would have a completely noise free PC for recording ..

thanks :)
Sounds like the vibrations from your HDD are passed on to you chassis.
There are several solutions to this problem.
You could get special screws that have a rubber grommet on them. You could also mount your HDD in a 5.25" bay with isolation adapters or suspend it with rubber bands. You can find some good stuff here .
I hope this will help you.
