Zach Kuzmic - Parked Cars

joe mama

New member
Hey everyone,
This is a song I am nearing completion on, but I wanted a second opinion on something. In the middle of the song there is a little break with only one instrument playing, and I kinda wanted to fill it out a little with a track of some people laughing. It fit the idea of the song, but I want to know if you guys think it sounds better with or without it. Let me know!

Oh and if you have any suggestions or comments about the rest of the song, feel free!

Parked Cars (WITH laughter)

Parked Cars (WITHOUT laughter)

If you guys want something other than .aif files, I can get .wav's. Thanks.

EDIT: Just so you know, the first file is the whole song, and the second file is the part of the song where the laughter has been taken out.
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this is not my style of music so i'll just answer your question. i like it with the laughter. it doesn't seem quite as naked.