Zach Kuzmic - Echo

it works...

I just clicked it and it works... and I tried it from two different computers, so I def. think it's up.

Here is the link if you want to just try entering it in your browser be honest, the first part really sucks. The guitars seem really sloppy, not in a good way, and a bit out of tune. Now, having said this, once it kicks in with the "echo", it kicks ass. I don't know if you made the first part suck soo bad to make it sound completely cool once it kicks in, but you should get rid of it. Put something else in the lead in. Something abstract, but nice and quiet. Whispering type stuff. Keep it up. This could turn out awesome.
hey thanks

and yeah, the guitar I used at the beginning is a piece of crap. It's really old and has major grounding problems. I'll def. think about trying something else.
Not bad.

The fuzz guitar (?) sound needs to go. It might be a noisy synth, try a high cut or a different patch.

Musically it needs more direction. It doesnt really "do" anything right now. Try building to something.:)
I agree that the first 27 seconds is questionable. But only because it sounds like a home recording. It's not bad it just sounds, well, home recorded. :D

As far as the rest of the song, I love it. :D It's majestic and cinematic! In fact, that probably explains the critique that it lacks direction or needs vocals. What it needs is a video. To me, at least, it sound like a soundtrack.
Hey, JoeMama, take a look at this:

I liked the song so much I put some footage behind it using Final Cut.

Sorry for stealing the music :o but I though it was a really cool song and I wanted to show it's value as a soundtrack piece.

I can delete it if you don't want in swirling in cyberspace. :D