Your thoughts? This one's called "Statutory"

Boo Radley

Sorry haven't been around in a bit, but I wanted to get some comments on this one. I think I'm okay with the mix and all, but I've once again fallen into the "listened too many times to retain objectivity" trap and I need some fresh and unbiased ears.

I tried some different stuff on the snare, and it sounds really good to me on my gear, so let me know if y'all are hearing something else. Of course, any other suggestions are welcome. Here is the link:

Thanks as always,

listening now. the only thing that really stands out to me is that many of the cymbal hits aren't loud enough. there are a couple near the beginning that are fine, but the rest could stand to come up a bit.

i like the song. it has a cool groove. well done. :)
Good mix, solid rockin' tune.

- the bass really holds the song up well when it's playing by itself with the drums and vocals.

- rhythm guitars are nice and raunchy. I like where they're sitting but you'll probably get some requesting a bit more volume on them.

- I'm not a fan of the vocal tone. The performance is perfect and they are nicely discernable but it's a bit muddy - just my preference mind you. I'm wondering of it's competing with that great bass tone....

- lead is sweet....

- drums seem a bit low. I could use a db or two more...they seem to duck under the vocals.

Overall just minor and personal preference playing a big part here....;)

Sounds a lot like that Nirvana song...can't think of the name of it. Cool song though. Nicly mixed..
Thanks to everyone on the feedback so far.

Nicole - I was thinking the same thing on the cymbols, so I boosted them about 4 db...I will bring them up a bit more.

Gerry - I'm glad you used the term "raunchy" on the guitars. That's what I had in mind for them. I will boost the volume on them. IMO, it's hard to get too much loud raunchy guitars. :D

It didn't occur to me that the drums were a bit low, but I trust your ears..that's why I post on here. I will raise them a db or 2.

I don't know what to do about the vocals...I did try something different and dubbed a second vocal track on the chorus with some distortion and chorus on it. It's sitting very low in the mix though. Maybe that's what it is?

JasonBird - Maybe the beginning of "Rape Me?" In any case, I'm a big Nirvana fan, so that's a compliment.
Rocks man, catchy melodies. Bass tone is the star here. I'd bring up the drums some. Nice solo. Vocals definitely have that laid back Nirvana vibe. Good work :cool:
i don't know what it is..but the lo-fi is really really really compressed.

don't click it. sounds like a good mix

i would like more drums.

and maybe a bit of the highs from the bass to get boosted a little.

pretty good though.
keep it up
Thanks for all of your comments and suggestions. I've made some changes accordingly and updated the song. The original link will get you to the new mix, for anyone who cares to take another listen. I boosted the overall volume of the drums, brought the guitars up a tad, but mainly twiddled with the EQ and 'verb on them to make them more meatier. I also adjusted some of the overall EQ/Compression settings on the vox and the main mix to give stuff more clarity, I think.

Again, thanks for your help.

stick a fork in it.
nice groove and noise, vocal fits nice, but might have a tad too much bass in the vocal itself.
Is that actual drums ?
The sub harmony on the vocal could be a little more subtle. :D

The snare/HH have a midrange sort of honk to them, maybe a little cut somewhere might open them up a bit.

Nice song.