Your Thoughts on My MIX

Sounds very good to me, listening on cans at work. Everything seems to fit together well.

This is the first of four mixes I am mixing for a girl i am producing.

No nekkid pics of her?? :confused: :D

Nice, good job. Nice and clear, everything fits fine. I would perhaps boost the lead vox a hair to give it that "radio" sound, but its a great balance. Good song tune, she has a very nice voice.
DavidK said:
No nekkid pics of her?? :confused: :D
"You owe me a lot of money fer them nekkids!" :D

With all that aside, it sounds great, although I'm just listening through "cans" on my laptop... She does have a really good voice and everything seems to sit together pretty well.
Pretty good mix there. The guitars are in the back, but are still the dominant instruments. The drums are pretty good, except I think the snare is a bit too loud. After the first chorus, there's a little acoustic guitar fill that seems pretty "tinny" sounding". The main vocal has a good sound. The background vocals seem.. ah.. some kind of a phase thing going on there.