Your opinion on how to set up???


New member
Hello ,

What would you guys do. I'm setting my 1604 to my patchbay. Channels 1-8 will be normalled to the inputs of my digi001. would you suggest normalling the direct outs or use 4 subouts & 4 direct outs. what do you think

It depends on what you're going to be doing.

Since you can patch them anyway you want it's not a huge deal but the priority should be a clean path for tracking and a clean path for the final mixdown.

Do as many of the direct outs as you anticipate using at once. Use the busses if you plan on doing a lot of submixing. It will also be handy to have at least one stereo buss normaled for the mixdown if you are going to use your mixer for that. In that case maybe do 6 DO and the Master Buss.
I dont think you really need to use a patchbay, because you're working with so few channels. When you have a 24 channel patchbay, and you're working with 8 channels, that should generally be a good tipoff.

If you really, really, want to use a patchbay, build one yourself. That way it can work exactly the way you want it to. Its not a very difficult concept, routing from point a to b.
A patchbay has nothing to do with number of channels.... it has everything to do with making your signal routing easier to work with.... whether you've got a 48-channel mixer, or a 4-channel mixer...........

er, Tyler... I suggest knowing what you're talking about BEFORE you try to make with the "snappy answers".... putting "recpro" in your alias doesn't make you one and every post I've seen of yours so far proves it.............

I realize what a patchbay if for, and all im saying is if you only have a couple of channels, there really isnt a need for a patchbay, unless you want to minimize the wear on your mixer from plugging and unplugging cords all the time.