Your favorite set up and why ( include amp, guitar, effects, etc.)


Villiage Idiot Keeper
Hmmm. Let's try this one out. Musicians, let us know more about you! :cool: List off what you've got and why. Throw in some of your influences too. I just got a Line 6 150-watt half stack, with the floor pedal controller thing. My main squeeze is a 2002 Gibson Les Paul Standard with a big fat baseball bat neck, followed closely by this Ibanez shred thing I picked up last week, and then my Epi Nuclear Extreme Les Paul copy, hand finished by my bass player Kdawg (Yo, Bro!). I haven't even played the new Line 6 with the band yet, but I know that I really like it. I'll post back with results. ( as if this is a TV drama, tune in tomorrow night!) ;) I like a huge array of songs from a ton of genres and my heavy influences are Pantera, Alice in Chains, Tool, Sepultura, Zombie, and anything with a great groove and crazy riffs. U2 is always a huge influence (yeah I know you all don't like bono...), as have been modern virtuoso players like Vai, Satch, and Petrucci...I was exposed to a lot of jazz and classic rock growing up. Bands I learned to play from: Rush, U2, Zep, Frampton, VH, Clapton...tons of stuff. It's all in there somewhere in my playing, I hope... Whether or not I have my own way of pulling that off or not, it' up to you...! I'm going to try to get some of our songs put to disc so I can get em on here...Our band is aggressive, heavy metal/rock and we are doing originals and various covers, our own weird way.
My favorite setup at the moment would be my Gibson ES-135 with a morley bad horsie wah along with a USA big muff pi and a DOD fx50 preamp/overdrive into a fender blues jr. Sweet sounds and nothing but. It's funny though because the most major influences of mine that come to mind are kirk hammet and billy corgan. Hmm... :confused:
Martin D41.

I sold the amps to buy guns. I still have a LP somewhere, but I don't play electric very much anymore anyways. I will get another amp one of these days though.
here's my favorite setup (and pretty much my only setup, aside from the guitar)

Schecter C1+ into Traynor YCV80 ch1 with gain turned to 11 (i mean 10). the end.

pretty simple but it works for me just for messing around with a heavier tone. but i love my amp. i can plug in the strat and get a great cleanish sound out of ch2, and some awesome "punk rock" sorta tones from ch1. i need to get the 2x12 extension cabinet one of these days though. the amp is super versatile though, and its plenty loud.

my influences are very similar to yours, gibson59, with the exception of U2. i can't stand them. but i love Sepultura, Tool, AIC, Pantera, Deftones, etc. and i had a punk rock stage where my influences were Pennywise, Bad Religion, NOFX, A Wilhelm Scream, AFI, the Offspring, etc.

but the stuff i like to play now is kinda in between. closer to metal, but not extremely heavy.
My favorite setup is my fingers on a set of strings, on the guitar my dad built me when I was eight (there are SOME advantages to having a luthier as a father), into my ears.

But if you mean electric, that would be one of my guitars (hey, if I liked something else, I'd MAKE something else), into the AC30 clone I made.

Don't need nothing else.

(Though I do sometimes use the Wha I made, and I want to make another AC30 and a Leslie, but that's for the future).

Oh, and yes, I made every piece of my signal chain. :D


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
my set up

my usual set up is ..... 1983 les paul custom or epiphone les paul deluxe...... cry baby ... delay pedal .... 2 marshall combo's 1 50w 1 30w ...... i bought the 30w combo and loved it but i needed something a little bigger then i got a great deal on the 50w combo .... then i started using them both togeather at gigs and loved the sound..... for big gigs [outside] i use a ampeg vh 140c head through a crate 4/12 cab....... on rare occations i will play my strat or my matrin e-18 .............. my influences ..... everything that i hear ..... zep, aerosmith, skynyard, dicky betts, garry more, van halen, anything played well ............ :cool:
I like to keep things pretty simple, for now my main set up is... 2005 Ibanez AR300 guitar, 18' Rapco cable, 1966 Fender Twin Reverb amp. On occasion I will add an old Dunlop Cry Baby wah pedal or a DOD FX7 efx (if I need delay or other efx,) but I play mostly just with guitar and amp. If i want the sound of single coil pups I'll grab my 1980 Hamer. When I want a gritty growl I'll play my 1980 Vantage VS600 and crank up the gain on the amp. For most of my studio work (and practice) I often play through a Fender Princeton Chorus amp or a Rocktron Rampage amp.
I've been influenced by every guitarist who plays better than me, and that means almost all of them. Early influences (and inspiration to learn to play) were people like Carl Perkins, Chet Atkins, Chuck Berry, then on to George Harrison, Eric Clapton, Kieth Richards and other 60s rockers, then came the Southern Rock era and people like Joe Walsh, Gary Rossington, Rick Medlock, Billy Gibbons and plenty of others. I sort of passed on the Heavy Metal, Grunge, Disco, Techno, and Shredders, although I admire people such as Sammy Haggar, Eddie VanHalen, Joe Satriani (the list could go on) I never got into their styles. I guess I'm a bit of an "old school" guitarist who still plays, mostly just for the fun of it.

Gibson custom shop LP custom/1973 fender tele deluxe ->

Whammy ->
ZVex SHO ->
1978 Big muff ->
Expandora ->
Dano tremolo ->
Phase 90 ->
Volume Pedal ->
Ibanez modular delay ->

1965 blackface bassman ->
matching cab reloaded w/ eminence speakers
I am torn between a few different set ups now, but I'm not playing live these days so I can do that sort of thing. ;)

My main guitar is my Jackson USA SL2H Soloist with stock Seymour Duncans.

For the metal stuff that I do, it's just the guitar into a 5150 II half stack, with maybe an MXR overdrive in front for a clean boost. I'll throw a Boss EQ in the effects loop for lead sounds. I love this set up because it is in my opinion close to perfect for a tight, focused rhythm tone for heavy metal and most any stuff with heavy distortion.

Another set up that I favor alot is my Marshall JCM900 into a Marshall 2x12 cab with G12T-75's. I use a Boss DD-3, a Boss EQ, and sometimes a Carl Martin compressor pedal all in the loop. This is my favorite set up for smooth, clean lead sounds. I like to compress the signal a little and pull out some of the high end and accentuate the mids with the EQ for that hornlike, Holdsworth sort of sound. When I'm venturing into fusion territory this is the set up I use alot.

I use an older Marshall Valvestate VS100 head into the same Marshall cab for clean sounds.

I've got a whole slew of pedals that I use occasionally, but not enough that I consider any of them part of my normal sound.

My influences....I suppose I would have to start with Eddie Van Halen....also Vito Bratta, Allan Holdsworth, Chris Poland, Scott Henderson, Steve Vai, Marty Friedman, too many to list.
Everybody has some slick setups! The guitars I enjoy playing the most would be my '71 Tele (ash body maple neck and fingerboard) and , of all things, my Samick Artist SAT-650 (335 clone). The Tele is the most stable well behaved guitar I've evr owned. I gigged with it for years. It just doesn't go out of tune and the intonation is perfect to my ears. You could tune it on a Friday, play all night, use it as weapon to swing your way out of a bar fight and it's STILL in tune. The Samick was a surprise. I wanted something 335 like and I traded a Mackie 1604VLZ that was gathering dust in the basement straightup for it. Again, it's almost as stable as the Tele except I don't believe you could use it as a weapon. Amp wise, I gig with a Line6 AX2 with a floor board as it fills a lot of tonal spots in a portable package. But I just resurected an '66 Ampege GS-15R that I'm going to experiment with on some gigs. It's about the same footprint as the AX2 and the verb and trem in it are just too cool for school. That and either my Budda or Cry Baby wah pedal would pretty much cover me. For recording I get a lot of mileage out of my Rivera Pubster. I have a LOT of other electric guitars that I totally LOVE but these would be the ones I leave the house with.
If I'm playing bass, my '74 Rickenbacker 4001 or Fender P bass through two Acoustic 470 heads into a pair of 301 cabs does it for me. I back nails out of the drywall with this rig.
Acoustic guitar wise, Either of my Martins ('74 D-41 and a '55 000-18) or Taylor GA-XXV will do nicely, thank you very much. The Taylor is a 25th anniversary edition signed by Bob Taylor that they only made 500 of. SHWEET! I could go on.
And I guess I will. I forgot to mention the Leslie 147. Definately the most fun you can have with your pants on! I can plug a guitar into it and just noodle for hours. Everything you play just sounds cool. :D
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i run two different chains--depends on what i'm doing or the song is needing.

83 strat/99 tele->boss TU2->Visual Sound Jekyll and Hyde->Visual Sound H20->Cry Baby->Ernie Ball Volume Pedal->Fender Champ.


Ibanez Artcore AG75->boss TU2->Visual Sound Jekyll and Hyde->Visual Sound H20->Cry Baby->Ernie Ball Volume Pedal->Epiphone Valve Jr or Vox Pathfinder 15R.

the tele/strat/champ combo is great for clean and lightly driven type stuff.....dire straits, grateful dead, etc. the ibanez/VJr chain is great for the more heavy/driven stuff, and the ibanez/Vox chain is perfect for jazzier type stuff.

if i'm playing a gig, i'll run these heads into my Fender 4x10 for the extra volume.

Currently im playing a Martin OM-28V. Ive really been into the acoustic thing for the last year and a half.

I also have:

Epiphone SG
Seagull M6

Marshall AVT275
Peavey Bravo 112 - Awesome little amp w/ new tubes and a celestion V30

Boss Compressor/Sustainer
DOD Echo
Dunlop Wah

I constantley change around my chain depending what Im doing.

Starting to get some GAS for a new electric - Les Paul is my dream guitar :rolleyes: .... But i need to get my DAW up and going 1st :D ...
TravisinFlorida said:
....pawn shops are even aren't they? :D (kidding)

that cabinet have g12h's?


I sold it for everything it was worth. No pawn shop for me.

But no, the G12H is a recreation of what the Vintage30 was supposed to be, except for the Vintage30 they for some reason decided to make it hand 60watts instead of 30, so they also came out with the G12H.

This is the G12M. The 25 watt Greenbacks. (Made in England for whatever that is worth)
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hmmmm .... to be honest, I use whatever I trip over when I'm loading up the truck. I gig virtually every night so I get a lot of chances to use different things but:

My 3 favorite gits are a Strat I built with matching paduak wood body and neck and EMG 81's in it and 2 gits my wife bought me ..... an Epi Zak Wilde LP and an Epi Firebird that I dropped 3 Seymour Duncan vintage mini's in.

Amps: ..... main one I use is my Mesa Blue Angel ..... very cool .... different sets of power tubes that can be used alone or mixed.
I also like a lot: Marshall 6101 that I love but I don't take it out a lot 'cause it's fragile ..... a Hot Rod deVille (4-10's) that sounds great when it's not broken and an old Ampeg VT-40 that's freakin' awesome but weighs 95lbs! :eek:

Pedals: ..... Boss TU-2 tuner ..... Bluesdriver ..... Akai Headrush for delay (great sounding delay) ..... Tubeworks Tube Driver (that I got from Dragonworks) and a Wah and a Rocktron Metal Planet.

But this is always changing since I have piles of stuff and I might grab any freakin' thing as I'm headed out the door.