YOUR best guitar?


New member
ok, no daydreaming ... what's YOUR best guitar?


Gretsch spectra sonic (designed by TV-Jones w/ his PUPs)

sweet lil sukka!!!
Probably the best guitar I have is my Epiphone classical. My 2nd best I unfortunately got rid of before I realized what I was doing. It was an Alvarez acoustic that had the warmest, sweetest tone. Got rid of it when getting a new acoustic with a better pickup and cutaway body - if I knew then what I know now about guitars, I never would have sold it.

oh well....hindsight, and all that.
My best axe is a Fender MIA 1957 reissue (classi 2 color sunburst). Great axe, but I have to wrk to get the sounds I need.

My favorite is a Yamaha RGS TT (purple) - light, great feel and I can get sounds out of it very easy.
Don't have many, but out of two acoustics, an electric, and two basses it would have to be my Lakland 55-02.

EDIT - I forgot I changed my avatar to be the Lakland a few months ago. That's it.
1978 Les Paul Custom, black with gold hardware, 3 pickups. The finish is worn off the back of the neck from years of playing. It has survived a car wreck and 2 ex-wives!
Doc Holiday said:
1978 Les Paul Custom, black with gold hardware, 3 pickups. The finish is worn off the back of the neck from years of playing. It has survived a car wreck and 2 ex-wives!

At least you have your priorities straight! :D
Electric; my 71 Telecaster
Acoustic; that's a hard one to call. It's a toss up between the 74 Martin D-41 and the Taylor GA-XXV.
Doc Holiday said:
1978 Les Paul Custom, black with gold hardware, 3 pickups. The finish is worn off the back of the neck from years of playing. It has survived a car wreck and 2 ex-wives!

My uncle's axes weren't so lucky through the divorce process =/
Ernie Ball Music Man John Petrucci model with piezo pups in Mystic Dream finish...use it for everything from jazz to metal.
I love my Taylor very bright, and I like bright

i'd like to add I have a 1956 Fender Bassman Dual Rectifier (i know.....not a guitar, but I'm a proud papa and I just got it)
Ibanez ltd. ed. S series 7420 7 string. They make the only guitars that I really like playing (flame away, vintage hounds!) and I keep going back to them. Obviously, I'll have to include a link to this post when I attempt to hit them up for an endorsement deal at some point. They seem to have downgraded their pickups over the years, though...