You'll Get A Kick Outta This....!

Clark Grizwald

New member

Just now...just now....

I scrolled all the way down the categories page.


I feel sooo stupid!

Most forums I've been on, only have 12 - 20 categories. (if that)

Wow....I'm speechless!

Well....I've got a lot of reading to

See ya later.

Just now...just now....

I scrolled all the way down the categories page.


I feel sooo stupid!

Most forums I've been on, only have 12 - 20 categories. (if that)

Wow....I'm speechless!

Well....I've got a lot of reading to

See ya later.

Ha! Don't feel bad. I did the EXACT same thing! I'd been a member of this forum for quite a while when I accidentally ran across a reference in one of the posts about the "Cakewalk Sonar" discussion group, while doing a forum search. I was like, "What the hell?", and discovered a whole new frontier to explore! A pleasant surprise, though, isn't it?

Welcome aboard. This is, without a doubt, the absolute best resource for home recording enthusiasts!