You can't tame that WILD MERCURY MUSIC


New member
alright so i took the time to upload a couple of our songs onto a streaming page. Quality should be tip top.

Chelsea's Spoon (Indie Jam)

The Last Waltz (rock)

Curtis Street (folk)

Its just me and another dude. all were done live, with more tracks added after. take a listen and give me some feedback please !
From my previous post listening on MySpace:

The Last Waltz - you have a great tune there, very BIG and BOLD, with lots of power in the chorus.

The leads through the verses give it a sort of middle eastern

Love the scream - Take Me Home - so much emotion in there....

About 2:32 the song just kinda felt like a mixing error, I would maybe add something there to fill it in a bit, it's too much noise and crackle....

After listening again tonight:
The only thing I would add now is that it could use some bottom end. Would love to hear this done multitracked with a bit more separation between the instruments. It's a great mix for live - very full - but could use some bottom end. Still like the overall writing - good job......

:D :) :D :)