You CAN mix and match heads and cabs correct?


New member
Refresh my memory please. Allthough I feel like a totally idiot asking this, you can mix and match heads and cabinets for bass's and guitar's respectively right?

say a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier with a 4x12 Marshall cab.

P.S. I don't mean a Guitar head with bass cab or vice versa
totally so long as the impedance matches up. I think is referred to as ohms and usually is in denominations of 4, 8, 12. Some cabs will work better than others though by sheer virtue of the fact theyll do what theyre designed to do with their custom designed speakers etc. i think you can but wait for someone else to post!
you'll want to take a look at their power ratings, as well

although any decent 4x12 cab will take just about anything you throw at it, it's always good to check
Match impedence (though if the amp is low, you won't hurt anything, though you will lose some power. Just make sure the amp isn't HIGHER than the cabinet, which will damage something), and make sure the cabinet can handle the load (wattage). MOST 4x12's will be 8 ohms, though there are always exceptions. For wattage rating, multiply the lowest wattage speaker (if they are different) by the number of speakers, or add up the wattage of the speakers (if they are all the same).


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
i matched a 5150 to some shitty crate cab. then i had to send the cab to the "cab morgue". i dont suggest matching a good head with a shitty cab, even if the power rating says it will hold up, because it's likely it wont