Yorkville YSM1i or Tannoy Proto-J?


New member
My budget has dictated to me that these are two monitors I can afford. Anybody have any preference between the two, or any pros and cons? Should I be looking at any other monitors in this price range?
Yo Elevate and Levitate:

I have the Yorkville YSM-1 passives. A good sound from monitors on the low price scale.

I haven't heard the Yorkville actives, if that's what you're thinking about buying. But, I'd guess they would do a good job. As well, the other monitors you mentioned would do nicely. Best thing you can do is try to HEAR these monitors at a vendor's shop or a friend's studio and let your ears decide.

Happy Shopping

Green Hornet:D :p :p :cool:
Thanks for the input. I kinda got a feeling that I couldn't really go wrong with either the Proto J or the YSM1i (which is the passive flavor) based on all the searching I've done. I'm not in a location that affords me the luxury of listening to any monitors, so research will have to suffice.

Anyway, I just won an Ebay auction for a new pair Yorkvilles. Got em for $182, which seems to be a good price.
Yo Higher than the Ground:

You got a good deal on your Yorkvilles. You'll like the speakers. For the money, they do an outstanding job.

I think I spent about 200 pezzutos for mine which, of course, there was probably some dollars for shipping.

Enjoy your new speakers,
Green Hornet:D :cool: :p :rolleyes: