Yorkville YSM-1 or Yahama HS80M ?


New member
- Yorkville YSM-1

- Yahama HS80M

I had ordered the Yorkville at http://www.musicstorekoeln.de/englisch/index.htm
but they sent me a mail back saying that for this price it was
a demo-model and they don't have new ones in stock and probably won't
sell new ones in the near future.
I had my mind set on the Yorkville's after all the positive reviews i've read,
but I don't wanna buy demo stuff i haven't seen or heard.

The lady I was mailing with wrote that according to her recording collegues the Yamaha HS80M would be
a much better choice then the Yorkville's in that price range.

So, I did some research and found a few reviews of the Yamaha's.



Most say they don't sound like the ns10's, wich is a good thing i suppose. :)
Whitin a few weeks i'm going to take the three hour drive to Cologne to listen
for myself, but in the meantime, any of you guys had a chance to listen to the Yamaha HS80M?
Well I can"t tell you about the "Yorkville YSM1" But I do have the Yorkville YSM2"s and that are Pretty Nice Monitors for the Price ($300 Canadian)....

The Yorkville YSM2"s are my First set of Real Powered Monitors and I have to say that I am extremely Pleased with them as they have a Very Nice smooth Responce and they are Very loud for such small speakers and they have a Smooth Sounding low end and a Very Crisp High end.....

They are Bi-Amped so the Woffer and Tweeter are Powered by seperate Power amps and the Tweeter isn"t one of those Crappy Pezio Tweeters and it uses an active Crossover.....

I actually Listened to a Pair of Alesis Monitors in Long & Mc Quade before I bought the Yorkvilles and they were Good Sounding Monitors but I liked the Yorkvilles better as they were $200 Cheaper and I liked the Low end Responce much better......

I'd go with the Yamaha, since it has a bigger woofer and Yamaha isn't bad for an asian company.
Indeed, me thinks they offer good products at a competitive price point.
The Yorkville is a low grade monitor...not very pro....
If Yorkville could start building good studio monitors (and maybe team up with Bryston for the amps) in Canada (handbuilt, of course), then it would be great !
I have the passive YSM-1i, powered with a Yamaha P2050 amp. I love these things!

I went through a search to find a new compact reference monitor a couple years ago and I chose the Yorkvilles over some more expensive alternatives. The Yorkvilles just sounded better. I've been recording for about 25 years with nearly every classic monitor you can name, including the NS10M.

IMO, the front facing bass port on the Yorkville is an advantage over the rear port on the Yamaha. I’m not a big fan of rear porting for small monitoring rooms. You have to keep them much farther from the back wall, unless of course you mount them recessed into the wall. Otherwise you will wonder what happened to the bass when listening to your mix on other systems.

The Yokville is smooth and true, with no fatiguing high end. Mixes sound great on end-user hi-fi. They really do have a good amount of bass for their size. That was one selling point and it delivered to my satisfaction. However it’s not so bass heavy that your mixes will end up lacking in bass.

I’m skeptical of this marketing spiel about the HS80M being “developed in the
Tradition of the legendary NS10M.” I’m not sure what that is supposed to mean. The fact is Yamaha chose to discontinue the NS10M and whether you loved them or hated them, this new generation of Yamaha monitors has no connection to them.

By the way, I'm not a big fan of active monitors. There are too many good amps out there. A company making an exceptional speaker and an exceptional amp in an integrated package is like lightning striking twice. But I suppose it happens.

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Nasca, I haven't used either monitor, but I read every review I can find with my future needs in mind. The Yamahas are so new that I haven't yet seen a single pro review in any mag, and I've been watching for them. I'm sure they're coming soon. The Yorks have received mostly very positive reviews here at the forum and elsewhere although I've noticed a few of the same "rattling/buzzing" complaints lately. I don't know what that's all about. Be sure to search this forum's past posts to find out more about the Yorks.

nasca said:
Thanks for the reply's! :)

MusicTech magazine did a review on the Yamaha HS80M:


Was I the only one who clicked on a link that wanted me to PAY for a review? That comes off as chickenshit entrepenuership...Sure, I'll buy a magazine for it's reviews, but I can use a magazine for asswipe if I don't agree...

...If someone wants to admit to paying for the overpriced review above, could ya just paste it here? Thanks...

I don't know why the "expert's" opinions on the performance quality of gear is regarded so much higher than the sincere consumer; we all have assholes too...Surely there are biases involved with professional reviews, including the obvious--MONEY--, and I assume that a lot of these guys are as label predjuduced as many here are (Starts with a "B" :eek: )...I'm willing to bet that the guy who needs a new pair of monitors and has and takes the time to scrutinize and compare will have an equally legitimate opinion, but may not be as eloquent as the professional in expressing that opinion. There are user reviews out there...Fo' FREE!! :cool:

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FYI, the new EQ mag reviews the HS 50 and 80, plus the matching sub. Not quite stellar reviews, but positive, overall. The 50 needs the sub; the 80 doesn't unless mixing very bass-heavy material.
