Yo' CockO's I paid for your Reaper already V6 aint that different!


It is a life preserver
I paid already Cockos!

You didnt even change the name, man!

This is whats wrong with digital. I have no faith in you. Any moment and it stops. There should be some indication from the product that your going to be dicks about it.

My 1/4 reel to reel still works you know..

License purchased on 2017 Oct. Not even 2 years? Ready to brush me off so soon huh..
How can anybody put up wit that? It was not a service charge.

When is Superior drummer2 or 3 going to stop working? Cause a Win10. and where is win11 at?
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From memory, a Reaper licence allows you to go through a major upgrade (i.e. going from 4 to 5), then you have to renew it. From the Reaper site: "A new REAPER 6 license includes unlimited free updates through REAPER version 7.99. Frequency varies, but updates are typically released every few weeks."

Prior to V6 coming out, the site would have said something similar.
A Reaper license will carry you through 2 versions. If you bought into version 4, then you'll be covered for versions 4 and 5, and you'll need another license for version 6. That's the spot that I'm in now. I didn't click the button to upgrade from 5.999 to 6 today, but I'll fork out the money when I do decide to upgrade. This'll make my 3rd Reaper license, and I still haven't spent as much as I would have on most other DAWs. I'm OK with it. Devs deserve to eat and pay rent, after all.

Also, it didn't stop working. Just go download one of the versions covered by your license:
REAPER | Old Versions
They let you use two major versions on one license?
Good for them! That's pretty cool.

A Protools license entitles you to minor updates within one major version.
With V12 they actually changed things up and stranded people on 12.5, unless they agreed to pay again.

Sounds like Cuckos are a great bunch of lads. :)
Ya know, those legal agreement usually have a fine print something like 'terms subject to change at any time'. So it means the buyer can change the terms of the agreement too. So I check the box. Its a 2 way street.

My equipment I have had the majority of my life. I stand behind the brands, and models. Some rack pieces 30-35 years. Still function and sound great.

This digital stuff is junk. Its dated already from the start. Obsolete the next week and counting down its useful term. Most of this digital crap will not even be on my hard drive next OS.

In 25 Years is somebody going to be searching for ancient version of REAPER they had a key to 20 years ago , so there emulator will play a pluggin. NOooooooo, F' that.
I bought Reaper at about V4.8 in 2014. Its almost 2020 before v6 came out. That's 5 years of support and updates, which ain't too shabby. I'm glad they didn't go to the "365" model, like a lot of companies are doing. Pay your $50 and you're good to go until Jan1, then give us another $50 until the next Jan1. (see Microsoft Office, Cyberlink PowerDirector, Norton AV, CorelDraw) $60 isn't that much that it will break me. I spent that much taking my son and his mother out for dinner that other night! Its less than one round of golf at several of the nice courses around here.

You'll welcome to stay with your 1/4 tape. Next time you buy a 7" reel, expect to pay about $40. That will give you an hour of recording time. You'll need a second to mix down. Net cost is about $80 for a couple of songs.

For now, I'll stay on 5.99 until I see if there are any major improvements in v6 that I need. I'm sure that within a few months, I'll probably upgrade anyway.
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I like when something is familiar. Something I can keep coming back to, and rely on, for a certain sound.

A 2 year contract is like a bad relationship with a girlfriend.

My Fantom keyboard loves me back, going on 20 years now. Marshall amp from the 90's, and my ADA MP-1 is from the late 1980's. It takes me years to get to know something. As time goes by the company will send you Eprom upgrades, unlocking new features. Talk about feeling the love.

Will old software drums have value?
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If you want to compare it to hardware, Reaper is like a piece of hardware that comes with 2-8 years of support where "support" means bug fixes and new features and a lifetime warranty where "warranty" means you can download and re-install an old version any time you want so long as the company is still in business.

If you don't like new features, then just stop upgrading. It's not like they force you to upgrade or retroactively break your install.
I like when something is familiar. Something I can keep coming back to, and rely on, for a certain sound.

Easily done. Don't upgrade. You can run whatever version you started with as long as you like.

On the other hand, the Reaper upgrades are incremental rather than fundamental, so the sense of familiarity is not lost.
First of all, Lazer, you've got it wrong. You DONT HAVE TO PAY TO UPGRADE TO VERSION 6!!!!! You already get it FREE if you paid for V5. Your license is good until Ver 7. And Versions 5 and 6 will continue to operate even after V7 is out.

I've got Quicken 2005 on my computer. Still keeps my checkbook up to date. I have computers in the basement with Win 95 and 98 on them. MS didn't offer me upgrades to ME, XP, 2000, 7 or 10.

I've got 24 versions of Reaper on my external hard drive. The company could go up in smoke, and I'll still have those 24 backup versions. The license is stored in a text file on that drive and a backup drive. In 10 years, it will probably still be working, but I might not. (Think they'll let me set up a recording studio in the rec center at the retirement home?)

Nothing lasts forever. What's the big beef about?
My experience has not been a smooth one. I used Reaper with my Fantom USB direct before I got the USB interface. Never made much progress with that 6i6. Shoulda used it as a free trial until I found out what was wrong. I bought it, more to pick a brand to support. Choose a side kinda thing. It was that or Protools.

I don't feel I got my money's worth , I guess. Somebody had said if the key was from 2015 I should be good. My Key file says 2017. No worries, I will use it as a trial version until I get the problems worked out. Frustrating that's all.

Or reinstall the old and use that. I can do that too, your right.
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lol I pay for .5 updates and major updates. Thankfully cubase always seems to add enough new features to make the bump worth it.

It's one of the reasons I recommend Reaper to people though.
I started with Reaper in 2010 using V3.

I had to renew when I upgraded to V5 in 2015, so that was four years between having to pay again. Not bad value in my view.
An another thing! I have Reaper, paid for and I can have it on as many computers as I like. I paid 3 times as much for Sampliutude ProX 3 and get just 2 extra 'goes'.

Moneys worth LOL License is US$60.

It is the best value for money out there. Unless you are saying it should be free?


That's even more rich, because it essentially already is "free". Even if he didn't want to repay $60, he could just hit "OK" on the nag screen and continue using it exactly like he already is without consequence.
That's even more rich, because it essentially already is "free". Even if he didn't want to repay $60, he could just hit "OK" on the nag screen and continue using it exactly like he already is without consequence.

Right, so why did I purchase it in the first place. Its a nag screen. What is free, offers the same.

It was $60 for 2-3 years. Granted, I did not need to wait 3-4 seconds for the button to click. What else?