Great production quality!
As for the song itself....
Sounds like a movie soundtrack to me!
What is the inspiration for the song? Are there any lyrics for it?

i realise looking back that i didn't actually tell you which song i was asking to have a listen to! duh.

yeah i was refering to "dist (unfinished)". From the comment it sounds like "demo" but hey any toon of mine anybody bothers to download is much appricaiated.

I never have typical inspirations such as " a saw a beautiful girl walking down the road and wrote a song about it!"

I always work completely alone on them, i can't do it any other way, that is the way i like it.

As for lyrics that is a problem for me at the moment, I really strive to write, perform, produce, mix all my own stuff from start to finish.
i can play keys, guitar/bass, and drums but i can't sing damnit, i'm just experimenting with singing in distorted atonal wasys to hide that i can't sing! hope it works. the next problem is writing lyrics, i was never very good at english in school or anything, but i think i'll have a go.

If you get a chance to listenm to "dist (unfisinshed)" you will notice that the drums soud crap, that is cause on my keyboard (yamaha cs1x) whenm i have a perfromance sound the drums on ch10 soud crap but i'll record it track by track onto puter before mixdown.

cheers for the comments an all
I like the dark edge of this song. Are you micing an amp for the distorted guitars.

Yeah this song is asking for some vox, I think distorted vocals would work fine.

The guitar parts fit well together too.

-Jett Rocker
This tune is crying out for loud screaming vocals punctuated with some measures without vocals. Yeah- and the drums need to be a real kit.
cheers guys,

jet-rocker- nope the guitars are all through my boss vf-1 amp simulation stuff, double tracked panned hard left/right, i like the sound i'm getting nice and powerful

drstawl - the drums will sound better in the final mix trust me, yes they do soud horrible at the mo. I do actually have a real drum kit and play it i just don't have mic's to mic it for the moment. I've got one mic but i'm never going to get a good sound will that so i'll just stick to synth drums.