Jim Marquard

New member
It keeps being asked, do monitors make a difference? And it keeps being said--YES. I just want to emphasize that "YES" yet again. I have been home recording for many years--just for fun. But I have always been unhappy with many of my recordings for being so lacking in definition. I finally broke down, spent $500 and bought biamped monitors and all I can say is WOW!! The difference is worth crying over--crying because of so many wasted years. Of all my gadgets, guitars and recording gear, these are second only to my recorder in importance. I bought Alesis M1 Actives, by the way, and I am quite pleased. I have no Event dealers close by so I could only preview Alesis, Fostex and whatever the dealer had used. But brand is only important IF YOU DECIDE TO BUY THE MONITORS in the first place.

Happy monitor hunting. Now close this thread and run off and buy some monitors. Well, I guess you can use the search function to decide what monitors to buy.

Hey dragon, can you copy this to the Newbies and Mixing forums.

Peace, Jim
Yes, I need monitors, ...

... and that means YES!! I NEED MONEY!!

I talked my wife into letting me buy a lot of other toys last year so that means I'll have to use the POS speakers that came with the PC for the foreseeable future. Actually, for something that's a hobby I have little time to put into she's been great about supporting it.

I've gotten a little better at figuring out how to mix based on what I hear in the speakers I have but I still haven't gotten a mix I really like. Maybe if I see more posts like this I'll get the nerve to ask about buying them sooner rather than later. :D
Man Dave O,

I know what you mean. It took my best puppy-dog eyes and quite a bit of black mail for me to get my monitors. I think it put me in emotional hock for quite a few months to come. But well worth it.

Peace, Jim
YO Slim Jim:

If you ever get to try a pair of Yorkville MSY-1 monitors, you'll CRY some more because you didn't buy them at only about 216 Pezzutos for TWO.

Great sounding passive monitors. Maybe you like the powered jobs; maybe they are great; but Yorkville's little boxes are pretty darned good on the ears.

Green Hornet
Yo Greeny,

Yeah pickins in this part of Wisconsin are slim when it comes to music stores. The Yorksvilles have been quite the rave on this board and they read to be quite the buy. But I wasn't looking for passive, and even if I did I would have eventually had to get two amps and a crossover to biamp any monitor speaker, so a biamped, active speaker was the way I wanted to go. Wish I could have checked out the Events PS-6 or the Tria (no longer made--why?). But if wishes were fishes....

But I can't complain about the M1 actives. They don't get slammed as much as the Monitor 1 and they do have some balls. And I'm sure you would agree, any descent monitor system is better than no monitor system when it comes to mixing your recordings. Now, to just become a better musician. Ahhh, the wish list never ends.

Peace, Jim
Yo Jimbo Mark of Zorro:

You're right about the monitors for sure. I'm sure your product is a good one and if it makes your ears happy, that's what counts.

I only threw in my 33 cents because the Yorkvilles are such a great buy. I have a pair of Infinity towers speakers also plugged into my work station; when I got the Yorkvilles, I shut off the Infinitys and listened to some stuff in the next room just off the studio room; just dandy man.

About getting to be a better musician, that's why I tune into this site and may even go back to school and study some more. I just retired from teaching English composition at the college level so I have time to take a few classes. Learning is so much fun. Have fun man.

Green Hornet