yes no maybe


New member
just after some honest opinions of this song. i havent really shown anyone it, so im interested in what people think aswell as suggestions about its recording and what could be done to improve the song. honesty is appreciated, like it ,hate it, whatever.
if you have the time and patience to listen to it all,
27 views and no comments? surely you can tell me something?
tell me its crap!! at least ill have somewhere to work from!!
It's in .wma format, so nobody with a mac can listen to it...try converting to mp3 or something less proprietary. You might not get more comments, but then at least more people will be able to hear it. For example, I'd say something if I could open the file.
i dig it, man. The verses seem really buoyant and really keep my interest. The chorus seems a little bit less flowing and more forced, I think it might be how abruptly the change happens. A slow build up might work better with this song. Overall it sounds really good - I don't know much about production but that sounds pretty good too.