Yamaha XG, GM, and Cakewalk


New member
I've been sequencing MIDI with Cakewalk Home Studio, but I recently bought a Yamaha PSR-540, which I've been using as a controller for Cakewalk. The PSR's sound generator is Yamaha's XG patchmap, which is supported by cakewalk, but the soundcard(Ensoniq PCI) creates pathetic XG sound.

My original consideration was to use the PSR's sound generator, but the MIDI out from the joystick PCI port does not seem to be able to transfer MIDI data back to the keyboard (and I did check that it was selected for MIDI out). If anybody knows why the data wouldn't be sent, or why the keyboard wouldn't pick it up, I can still use help on that.

I'm buying a new computer soon, becuase this one is becomeing outdated, and with it I'm planning on purchasing the latest Cakewalk home studio, some loop-based program, and a soundcard with midi in/out(no joystick port). Yamaha SW1000XG sounds like a good card, becuase of the voices for the XG, which would make the Keyboard, sequencing software, and soundcard all work on the XG platform. Otherwise I might use the SB live that comes with the new computer.

This should work, right? Does anybody know anything about the Yamaha card? If anybody has tried to use the XG with Cakewalk Home Studio, have you had relative success? Any answers are welcomed.
The keyboard needs to be set to receive MIDI messages either from all channels or from a specific channel. Did you check that end? If, for example, you are sending MIDI Out on channel 2 but the synth is set to respond to messdages on Channel 1 only, then it will just ignore the messages it's getting.

Re upgrading, if the above is your problem, it will exist no matter what MIDI interface you're using. Note also that the SB Live has the same joystick port adapter thing as the Ensoniq card.