Yamaha TYROS


New member
I just stumbled upon this keyboard on the web...from the specifications it looks very nice. I was earlier looking at the DGX505 as a digital piano earlier, but was slightly disappointed there wasn't a Yamaha superpiano so to speak...I'm talking 128 polyphony, 750+ presets, lots of goodies, like the Motif ES except a digital piano. Well I think I may have just found the digital keyboard for me, I'm going to go check it out at my local shop, it's on their inventory so they sell it there:D . But of course, my questions are:
-Does anybody have any experience with this keyboard? Do tell!
-Same as question one but add in 'you know' between 'anybody' and 'have'.
-By looking at the specifications, since I'm not an expert, is there anything really lacking in this keyboard that another keyboard you could suggest to me has?

Quick link for lazy people:
Official Site:

I really like the samples on the site, don't overlook them if you're gonna click that link! The Mega Voice technology is pretty impressive, best guitar synth I've heard (not that I've heard an insanely large amount, but still) to date ( Especially the overdriven guitar and picked bass).
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if you are going that high up then you should take a look a the korg pa1x. the thing is pretty crazy. 2 16 tracks sequencers and a ridiculous amout of options.
The TYROS is quite a keyboard. It has a lot of the same great sounds as the Motif, plus it does all that cool stuff that the "all in one" keyboards do. It's Yammy's top of the line in that catagory.
The Yamaha Tyros has a superb synth engine. It is a combination of great features, sound, and action. The LCD screen is wonderful, and the modelled organ is great. The Acoustic Pianos are great, and the Mega Voices are incredible.

Just think it's over-rated for the price, I think the pa1x pro is by far a more versatile machine. Of course I have only had minimal time on a TYROS. It just came across as cheesey. I did like the display on the TYROS, and it was obvious to me that, that was where the money was in that machine. Short of that it just didn't offer up much, to "Blow me away". I'm also not a big fan of arrangers in general, but I've always liked the Korg sequencers the best. And for what little I utilize such features, I like the RPPR style arranging better.
Atterion said:
Just think it's over-rated for the price, I think the pa1x pro is by far a more versatile machine. Of course I have only had minimal time on a TYROS. It just came across as cheesey. I did like the display on the TYROS, and it was obvious to me that, that was where the money was in that machine. Short of that it just didn't offer up much, to "Blow me away". I'm also not a big fan of arrangers in general, but I've always liked the Korg sequencers the best. And for what little I utilize such features, I like the RPPR style arranging better.
True about the price...I think I'll end up getting two very high quality synths, one keyboard one module or both keyboard with very good piano and string patches as apposed to a digital piano and a synth, seems kind of a waste when the Motif ES for example since we're talking Yamaha can synth and piano all in one machine for around the same price (maybe not that close of a price but still not huge huge differences)
Not really a fan of the Motifs (I like the S80, S90 etc), but I think the Motif is a much better buy for the money. And for that, I might even say that the Motif offers one of the highest feature to price ratios around. Definitely worth considering. But do yourself a favor and spend some time time with the sequencer. That has been the biggest bone I pick with the Motifs (I will say the ES seems a little more intuitive). But if you plan on doing a lot of sequencing in hardware, you might want to check out the TRITON too. I think it has the best Onboard sequencer around (The Triton LE and Karma feature the same sequencer too).