Yamaha or Alesis Monitors

Even with a 10' x 10' room you will need some bass reflected in the signal; that suggests a larger woofer and as to your choices, the Alesis has that. Either one would work. But why limit your search? Both M-Audio and Event have powered monitors in the 5 - 8" range and both have decent reputations. Behringer has surprised lots of people with pretty nice monitors that are useful and inexpensive. I have a pair of Event 5" powered monitors that I like - but I would like a bit more bass. So - here are some ideas. They ship to Canada. And here are comparisons of Event monitors I have the TR 5s. Good units.
for a small room, neither of your choices have rear port, which is good.

The Yammies have no ports, like the sweeet, Blue Sky Systems.
Alesis it seems many like or don't like.
Alesis would be better as far as cones, with the Yammies almost screaming for a Sub.
I use Alesis and have great mixes but you gotta use accusttic traps to get the porper mixes. My bud uses Yamaha's they seem a little dull on the bottom end compared to my Alesis.
alright, thanks.

So, between them 2, the Alesis seem like a better buy?

What do you think the best monitor out there is in the price rage of 200-400(for the pair)