Yamaha MT8X -- strange problem -- help?


I have a Yamaha MT8X with low hours and in pristine condition with a serious problem: when I press play, the machine seems to think I'm pressing any number of other buttons. the Track 1 indicator will light up, for example. and if I press that button to turn it off, the machine might think I mean Fast Forward or Rewind or Play or Track 7.

anyone run into a problem like this? likely culprit?
At first I thought it looked like some kind of logic fault, which would be bad because the MT8X has the control program masked into the CPU as far as I can tell from the schematics.

However, if it is only the button assignments that are screwed up, it's possible that something is going wrong with the matrix encoder for the control panel and causing it to output the wrong commands. It might even be something as simple as a ribbon cable come loose.
good thinking on the ribbon cable. I should open it up, I haven't yet. just to be clear, when I press a button it seems to light up a random button in response, but there are definitely buttons that have more interactivity (Play + Track 1 + Track 5 for example)
Yeah I echo the suggestion to check internal connections, and even reseat what you can. If there is a poor connection particularly with interconnects that provide power then logic circuits will do strange things...grounding as well can result in the same symptoms.